Yeah, so this weekend has been fun!
Although I only want to blog about Sunday, because I can, and this is my blog. =P
So like I do every Sunday, I worked the two services which went fairly well. I still have issues with songs on the key, and having to come up with telling the camera people what to do in split second thoughts...So THAT didn't go too well, but the services over all did. Thankfully we only did the Happy Girl song in the 1st service, not in the second. =P After the services I went with Nic and Ben, with my mom and sister following in the other car, to IHOP, to meet up with the rest of the crew. We ate pancakes, duhhh. Although some losers didn't...heh. When most of us were done and stuffed with carbs, we headed back to CP church, and then played sardines and hide and seek for a bit, and played capture the flag as well. After all that lovely stuff, we did this game that I have no idea what it was called, but we had to pick someone in the group, and tell them how they encouraged us or something like that. I thought it was pretty neat. Then we had bible study, and quite honestly, I can't really remember anything except for Jon reading a letter he wrote to Brian about his year in youth ministry, what he's learned and stuff, then him talking to us about NYC, then him explaining that CP is going to have it's own Vertical/Nine12. Which I already knew since like, January, but it hasn't been official, ever. But...It still doesn't have a date to start either, but I mean, I already knew that when it opens, I'm going to have to be there to help out. No one ever had to ask me to go, I just knew.
After that was over, we played another fun round of sardines. Then I stood at the windows after everyone left, and waited for Jon to lock up and such with Nic. I went to their house, and walked down their "driveway" with Jon to feed their new duckies they have while he was explaining stuff to me. It wasn't till after we fed the ducks, and walked all the way back, sat down on some VERY stiff chairs, then I started getting it. He started talking about CP, and vertical production team and getting up, and "GOing". THEN he told me that I was supposed to lead, and create my own vertical production team for CP...
Yeah, I did like a double take. I think my jaw dropped too. I'm pretty sure my voice went up a few notches as well when I said, WHAT?!
I'm going to stop there, because I don't really want to go into it anymore, but like, 50 billion things were in my mind.
What if they have vertical in Malta the same night as CP does? Will I get to see anyone from there anymore? I can't do this! What happens if I don't know what to do, or if I freeze or something. What if I fail at this? What if I don't find anyone to be on the team? What do I do if [or when] I screw up? What if they don't respect me? I am only 14 [15 in august] y'know, I'm not some 27 [almost] year old guy that knows what he's doing, and has about 89798745345235643 times more leading experience as me. =P
As you can see, I'm quite nervous about this...
Written by Shannon at 4:37 PM
I started writing this earlier this afternoon, right after I got off the bus, and put my dogs out to do their business. It took from about 2:45 to 4:15. I was bored, and I like being outside. I've never just sat down, watched, listened, and written before. It was some-what relaxing. It's not really well written, or exciting for that matter. I just jotted down a lot of stuff. Well here you go...
As I sit here writing this, I see the brilliant blue sky all around. Slowly fading as navy blue/dark gray storm clouds that start to cover it from the southwest. No sun. Layers and layers of clouds. I feel a breeze against me. It pushes a storm closer. I see the trees sway with the breeze, with a random bug flying across my face. More clouds. It gets darker. I feel the occasional raindrop here and there. I close my eyes for a few minutes, just to listen. Chirping of little birds. Crows farther off. The heavy panting of my scared little dog. Passing of cars, trucks and motorcycles. The soft, threatening, rumbles of thunder in the distance. Soon to be over head, I predict. I open my eyes. Darker. A bumble bee whizzes by, as a jet overhead screams across the sky. I hear no more birds, besides a squeaky chirp here and there. A squirrel sprints by. I look up. I see a bird fly overhead. I examine the newest buds on a tree. A bright flash. 15 seconds go by. Thunder. Right overhead. [I brought my dogs in at this time.] The wind picks up some more, but not that much. A dandelion seed? I do not know, but it's white, and in its glory as it slowly, then faster, glides to the earth. Another flash. 14 seconds pass. Rumbles in the sky, more to the south now. But no less threatening. I leaned back. I screamed. I flicked an ant off my arm. Ew. More birds chirping. Another flash and more rumbles. It's more to the west now. The wind picked up. The rain drops are getting bigger, but more or less frequent? I couldn't tell you. 2 crows flew by. Now I sit frozen solid, as a bumble bee flies by casually. I relax now, as it goes away. Another ant. The world got brighter. The clouds are thinning to the south. Though no blue in the north anymore. Cars go by. Silence. Another car. Sometimes I wish there was someplace I could without man made noise. Just to sit, watch and listen. Thunder. It came somewhere from the distant west, and became louder. Rain. Now the drops are heavy enough to make a dot on my stone porch. Becoming more frequent. No wind...Silence. Now wind. Gusty. A honking car. Someone yells. I look to the sky. Pale yellow to the northwest. Rain. It's sprinkling now. Cold. A quick cold needle, as though a prick to the arms and legs. Huge thunder. 2 actually. 1st in the far west, then another, closer, but in the east. A fly buzzing around my legs. 2 red squirrels chasing each other on a tree branch. More thunder. Weird formation of clouds. A thick streak of white, contrasts the now dark royal blue/dark gray sky. Thunder. Rain has let up for now. Flash. 11 seconds. The roll of thunder goes on for like, 10 seconds. Making its way from the east, to over my head, to the west. More thunder. Birds chirping. 2 red robins in the distance. Rain drops. Thick, heavy, cold raindrops now becoming more and more frequent. Faster. I try to shield my paper. The thick White streak, now just a small hot dog shaped cloud. Floating. Cold rain drops. Another jet. Another Red robin flies across the yard. Rain stops again. The temperature is going down. Was 80, now 75. Blue sky! To the east. Thunder. Not very loud. Rain. Sprinkling. Never mind. It's raining pretty good now. Thunder to the south. Blue sky slowly being swallowed by dark gray clouds. White. Blinding white clouds mixed with gray to the northeast. A Bee flies by my ear. Thunder to the west. Spots of blue.
15 minutes later...[I had to eat sometime. I would've starved =P]
Blue. Brilliant Blue. Sun, still hidden but reflecting off of the little white careless floating clouds. Bees. Chirping. Still the random thunder. I doubt we'll get anything for a few more hours anyway. Blue. I love the color of the sky. Thunder.
{Picture taken by me!}
Written by Shannon at 7:45 PM
Get Supersonic
Last night VPT, and a few others, went to a Family Force 5, TFK, TobyMac, and Building 429 concert. I thought FF5 was the best, then Toby Mac. But all of the bands were pretty awesome overall. A few hours before the concert started, we played on a playground and I smashed my head 2 times, on two different bars, pretty hard. Needless to say, that hurt quite alot. Went to Price Chopper, and looked for food. Then having no place to eat, we ate near the road, on a patch of green grass. Most of us tried to get people to honk, although some were more successful than others. We started being watched - or stalked, which ever one you want to call it- by 3 "gangsters" in a ugly green car, so that was interesting. Afterward we all headed over to Toys R Us, and some of us [James] were planning to be kicked out. I went along with it, because I've never been kicked out of any place before. Yes, I'm a good girl. =P We eventually did get kicked out, which was hilarious.
By the time we were done with that, it was time to go back to where the concert was, and walked, and walked, and walked, to the end of the line. We played duck, duck, goose and did other stupid stuff that I can't really remember right now. The wait wasn't actually too bad, and there was I thinking we were gonna wait in that never ending line for hour or something. We got in, and looked for seats. We got the very back row, but it was in front of a window, so it wasn't too bad. We weren't even back there most of the time, but the bands were so deafening loud, you could hear it out all of the way to where we were parked. That's loud. Plus it doesn't help that we stood next to the speakers for FF5/ some of TobyMac either. I couldn't hear a thing for like, 20 minutes, everything was dulled. That isn't gonna be a good thing for when I'm older. =P After FF5, I bought one of their t-shirts, which is amazing. Then unfortunately I got separated from everyone during TFK, and I was kinda pissed at that. But met up with people again after they were done...I got home at like, 12:45am or something around there, and listened to my iPod for an hour or so, before actually going to sleep. My mom said I didn't have to go to school if I didn't want to. I woke up at around 9, so yeah, no school. =]
Written by Shannon at 9:35 AM
It's Law.
Hi JonWise. This is directed to you, or anyone else that thinks that the yellow lines in the middle of the road are just a simple "guideline".
"In general, the law requires that we drive on the right side of the road. When passing is allowed, we usually pass other vehicles on the left. Passing on the right is permitted only in limited circumstances, and should be done only when necessary and safe to do so.
When passing other vehicles or changing lanes to avoid hazards, do so with caution and only when necessary. You must not exceed the speed limit to pass another vehicle...
The left lane is usually used for passing other vehicles. However, you may not pass a vehicle on the left if:
- Your lane has a solid yellow center line.
- You cannot safely return to the right lane before reaching a solid yellow center line for the right lane.
- You cannot safely return to the right lane before any approaching vehicle comes within 200 feet (60 m) of you.
- You are approaching a curve or the crest of a hill on a two-way road and cannot see around or over it.
- You are within 100 feet (30 m) of a railroad crossing on a two-way roadway.
- You are within 100 feet (30 m) of a bridge, tunnel or viaduct on a two-way road and your view is obstructed."
I got all this, and more, from Here.
Written by Shannon at 4:28 PM
Sundays Rock...
Today went really well, at least I wasn't home on the computer, like I usually am, right? Here it is in a nutshell...
I helped run both services at CP, which both went pretty smooth.
Afterward I went to the Wises for lunch with Dave B, and Bates, who came a little later, for their bbq before the fast started. Really good hamburgers and chicken. I was stuffed after my first serving...Although I'm starting to regret not eating the last chicken breast they had. I also learned that Dave likes ranch dressing. alot. haha
After we ate, I pretty much sat on the couch for awhile, relaxing, and dozing, while they all talked about stuff that I had no say in, because I pretty much had no idea what to say.
Then we followed Dave and Bates to a Mini Sports Plex, and I pwned Dave at go-carts, which was pretty fun, and [kinda] learned how to *properly* hit a golfball off of its tee. Which, I think I sucked at. =P
I'm pretty hungry right now. I REALLY want some pasta. Are we allowed to have pasta? Does anyone know? Yeah, Tomorrow's going to be difficult...
Written by Shannon at 6:55 PM
Changes to my school schedule...again
Haven't blogged in awhile...Not too much going on either. Went to church and to Joey's 13th b-day party on Sunday, and hung out there for the entire afternoon until around 6:45 when my mom came. Did my homework [seriously, how messed up are my teachers?] and went to bed at 11, exhausted. Woke up at 5:30am, not the least bit tired, to go downstairs to check if we had a delay or if we were closed or something on channel 13...It said BHBL wasn't so I was like...ugh...and started getting ready for the day. Then at around 6:45 I went downstairs to brush my teeth, and as I was I went into the living room to get something, and the T.V was still on, I stole a glance and now it said we had an hour delay. So that kinda sucked, but the 1st 4 classes were only 20 minutes long. It balanced out, except when I went into homeroom. Before I explain this, here's my regular everyday schedule on Mondays. Everything through 8th Period is where I go everyday, except 9th.
1st Period: English
2nd Period: French
3rd Period: Science
4th Period: Art
[Locker break]
5th Period: Lunch
6th Period: Social Studies
7th Period: Technology
8th Period: Math
9th Period: Study hall
[I had study hall on every Mondays, Wednesdays, and A-Fridays. Gym on every Tuesdays, Thursdays, F-Fridays. The A and the F-Fridays are just every other week.]
I walked in only to be given a slip of paper saying that my Tech class was switched with my Gym/Study Hall class, and my Gym class was now on Mondays, Wednesdays, A-Fridays, and Study Hall on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and F-Fridays. [Yeah, I was just a little pissed. {sarcasm} This is the 3rd time they changed my schedule this year.] So I go to my new gym class like a good girl, with a decent excuse that I didn't have my gym clothes because I didn't know I was going to be in gym class today, [I really didn't] to be told that I wasn't in that gym class, and that I should go back to my old scheduled classes. So I walked all the way around the school to Tech, and went through my normal classes. I walked into Study Hall, and my teacher said I wasn't in the class anymore. [annoyed? very much so.] I told her that the person that was organizing [If that's what you want to call organizing] this whole thing told me that I should go to my regular classes, and NOT to go to gym. My teacher sent me down to the guidance office, waited 10 minutes just to be told to go to gym and that she told me to go to gym when she talked to me 7th period. So I went to gym, fuming because she did NOT tell me to go to gym, and I couldn't yell at her without being getting ISS, and detentions until the end of the year. [In School Suspension] So I just sat on the bleachers, with about 4 other girls who also got their schedules screwed up and that did not have their gym clothes either. FUN day.
Today was just a boring day, but now the teachers are giving loads of homework. Woot! hahhaa. Tomorrow should be fun, I cannot wait to hear Father Jon speak at Vertical/Nine12!
Written by Shannon at 3:38 PM
We have fallen, we have fallen again tonight...
Early afternoon I got picked up by little Jon and his dad, and picked Alicia a little later, to go to Wilton mall at which we hung out at for a few hours. Alicia and I literally dragged Jon to go into Abercrombie & Fitch, and the picture is of him holding his nose because he thought it smelled bad, in the entrance ahaha. I learned how to do "the walk" which I was so uncordinated at, and yet fun. Also a little later, Little Jon "lightly" pushed me, which made me trip over my feet, and landed flat on my back in the middle of the mall. Kinda embarrassing. hah. After the mall, we all headed over to karl's house, and the Matula's and Zach were already there, so we hung out on the couch watching people play Wii while people started showing up. I finally learned how boring WoW really is...ahahha, no jk, but I will probably neverrr be as interested in it like Karl or Devin is..hah. Watched the guys play Halo...Then played Man Hunt outside...which I thought was really fun. I was chasing after [I think] Zach, and my foot got caught in like, a ditch or a root or something, and my other leg kept going, and I did like, a split in the snow, then fell on my back. Which everyone thought it was positively hilarious...I did too actually lol, my whole upper back and down was soaked...Then my mom came and dropped off little Jon at his house...
This is a pretty small blog, because I could add alot more details to it, which I probably will later when I'm a little more focused...
[P.S.- I'm planning to get some of pictures of my easter outfit up, here and on my myspace, because some peoples are requesting it, so look out ;]
Written by Shannon at 12:04 PM
It's A Winter Wonder Land Outside...[Again]
I haven't been blogging a lot...Because I haven't had anything to blog about....but now I do! yay! =P
Yesterday Alicia picked me up at my house at around 1ish or so, and spent about 10 minutes in a stupid McDonald's drive threw line, and I actually saw that Mark guy that little Jon talked about, which was pretty interesting...So we eventually got to Alicia's house, and we ate chocolate and talked for like, an hour or two which is always fun, and decided that we wanted to go for a walk...But didn't know where to go. I came up of going into town, since I've only seen it by driving through it. She asked, and we were able to go. And I got to wear her hat the whole day, because my bangs were being really dumb...
It took...about maybe...30-45 minutes to actually get to town [Which is normally 5 minute ride], with 3 different people honking at us [that we had no idea who they were], a kid on a bike with his friends saying how amazing [ugly, I think] his scarf was to us, and a dog chasing after us. Yeah, when we got into town, she showed me how many antic stores there were...which was pretty funny, and many other places. We stayed on the main road pretty much the whole time, and sprinted at places where we had to cross the road, and ate sugared covered fries in a minuscule park on the steps of a baron gazebo. [Yes, I said sugared covered fries...Alicia accidentally mistook it for the salt shaker. But they weren't too bad.] It was a pretty pathetic park. With one baron tree, and another was an evergreen, that still had Christmas lights on it. 5 benches and an empty gazebo. I think the gazebo was once painted...But the paint was chipping off it...When we started to head back, I wanted to stop at Quiznos. So we bought chips, and a Mountain Dew and ate there for a little bit...
Then to my shock, while Alicia and I were talking and eating I had my back to the door, and all of a sudden I hear "Heeeyyy, Frazzy! I thought I recognized that sweatshirt from somewhere!" [I was wearing my big gray track hoodie from last year.] It was my Coach from XC and Track. It was kinda awkward, because I haven't talked to him in several months. haha. And because I was eating Chips and a Mountain Dew...He's a total health nut...Then a few minutes after he left, so did we, and walked back to Alicia's, then it got really cold. It took about 3-4 hours to walk to her house, walk through town, then walk back to her house...I had alooot of fun though =]
When we were a few minutes from her house, I was having a hard time breathing for some reason, we stopped for a few minutes and sat on a metal bar connected to the bridge over a small river. Then we had two people honk and one wave again. [It's always nice getting the crap scared out of you.] When we were ready, we went back to her place to watch CSI, Scrubs, and 5 minutes of something about how much of a skank Paris Hilton is...while eating Pizza, and drinking Root Beer and Mountain Dew...woot! We were a little high strung, and went online from 9pm-1am talking to peoples, and commenting "Little Plaid Boxer Lad"...and talking about how hot he is. [rofl] No, but we did have a pretty interesting comment convo with him, and aim one too. Then Little Jon called, then I was online talking to 3-4 different peoples while Alicia was on the floor, talking to him. Then I went to bed, listening to my iPod while Alicia was practically passed out on her bed, just barely talking to Jon....hahaha.
Woke at about 9am, and rolled over to a blindingly bright window. Only, it wasn't with the sun shining through. No. It was freshly fallen snow, that covered the trees, and it shown through the window pretty much blinding me for 5 minutes. After I was able to see again, I went downstairs with Alicia, and she's a good cook, because she made french toast. yay! lol...then hung out in Alicia's room till my mom took her about 45 minutes to find Alicia's house...She was pretty much right next door too...ahha
Yeah, I'm gonna go now, to see if I can find some money around here to buy some food for the mall tomorrow =P ahahaaaa
Written by Shannon at 12:32 PM
I wonder how my life will be diffrent next Easter.
2005 at the Saratoga City Center:
I remember walkin in, knowing absolutely no one. Literally. I knew Zack R. but I'm 99.9% sure he was it. By then, it would've been about, maybe, 6 months I've been goin to Northway. I didn't care for the youth ministry, nor the services it held on Sundays. Then for Easter, Honestly, I couldn't have cared less about anything technical about the service, or the service itself! I was too wraped up around in Cross Country, and my friends, and their friends, and their problems from school to really have appreciated such a milestone it was for Northway.
2006 at the Pepsi Arena:
I remember last year at Easter, walkin into the Pepsi Arena with my mom only knowing a handful of kids from Vertical, most of them from my small group, -which was really quite small, only about 6 girls in it, [including me] 1 moved away, and the others don't ever come to Northway anymore - except for a few guys, and maybe a friendly greeting from an adult here or there, I still knew basically no one. I wondered through the area until I found someone I knew, which I believe was Paul...Either him or Josh...I can't remember, but yeah. -I barely knew Caroline, which I do remember her on crutches. I knew Karl, Jordan, and possibly Joey. I hadn't the slightest idea of who Jon or Nic were, nor DaveB, Cherish, James, Alicia, Ashlie, Bates, or Little Jon.- I wondered pretty much the whole time, making sure my families seats weren't taken, and hanging out with Jordan, Paul and my old small group leader, maybe even Sarah Smith randomly. Then when the service started, I remember during worship, seeing the graphics, the lighting, looking up, seeing the spotlights, looking down in awe at the people who actually had the ability to run the sound and lighting board, thinking to myself...whoa, that is really cool stuff.[note: I had NO idea what any of that "stuff" was, I just thought you've must been someone to have the ability to be able to know how to work it.]
[I started to make more friends from church after Easter, and doing even better in running. Although I did lose a few friends in school, I started noticing they only liked me, not because I was their friend, but because I knew people that they wanted to get to know["people" a.k.a: guys] then totally ditch me, then come back when the guys dumped them, or get totally pissed at me. Which is fine by me, because they aren't worth crap to me now. I met cherish, and we seriously clicked. We were friends from the moment Sara introduced us, and only had one [major] fight, which some of you may or may not remember. =P Meeting her was kind of the foundation of meeting everybody else...]
This year at the Clifton Park Campus:
My mom parks in a parking spot, [obviously] as I get more and more self conscious about wearing a white blouse, white with black pokadots on the majority of the skirt, then black with white pokadots as a frilly type thing at the bottom of it, and about 3in high "wedges" also attached was a thick black with white pokadot ribbon that wrapped around near the end of the shoe. It matched SOOOOO well. Before I go on and on talking about clothes...I started to complain about how I really didn't want to make an idiot out of myself by walking in there, and probably tripping and falling on my face in between services in front of everybody. My mom turned to me and said, "I didn't spend that money for nothing you're going in there, and you're not going to trip..." So I got out of the car and walked up to the entrance, not feeling any more confident in myself until I started getting like 5 billion compliments from Libby, Josh's mom, Jeremy[which was shocking, but I think he was only being polite] and several other people, and some people that I didn't even know. =P But yeah, I was greeted with smiles by the Production Team, and by people in Guest Services that I knew, and a friendly shoulder hug by Bates in between services. [I would be mentioning more names if more people I knew came, but there wasn't very many people I knew there...] Although their were a few hiccups during worship for the 1st service, but as I was sitting in front of the video board, looking at the large amount of people, then to the left, then right, then behind me was Dave, then thought of last night, and how I saw all of those people standing in Malta as I was running a camera, then myself last year, and the year before, and how much my life has changed, not only the people I'm lucky to call my friends, and my role in this church, but that I [like to think] have changed as well.
It's so strange how God had changed my life. I never would've dreamt where I am today, 2 years ago, last year, or even 6 months ago for that matter, that I would be so blessed by the people around me. I usually am pretty self-centered, but it's taken me awhile to realize that it wasn't by my good luck that I'm here where I am today. Gods blessed me, of all people, with friends that I care about deeply, and I actually know they care about me too, and that I'm actually depended and relied on to be there every Sunday to do stuff [semi] behind the scenes, and at vertical/nine12 too! All I know, is that I've been having this feeling to serve more, and do more and help more where ever I can, but for now, I just have to be patient [ugh]
[The 2nd service went extremely well, for anyone who cares to know ;]
Written by Shannon at 2:48 PM
Me: "Just to tip off this fantastic day, I broke my cord to my iPod."
Sarah: "That cord that you use to charge it, and get songs off of iTunes?"
"Yeah, that one."
"Shut up."
"I have to go, I LUV YOU SHANN SHANN!"
A convo I had with Sarah today =P
Written by Shannon at 2:23 PM
Every Single Word I Say is Judged by a Million Critics.
So today is a boring day, as boring as watching paint dry, BUT it's SPRING BREAK! Woot! =]
Tomorrow I might be goin up to Clifton Park or Malta to help where ever I'll be needed, then running a 6pm service at Clifton Park. Then might be doin something afterward, but that's undecided yet...
I'd better see some familiar faces on Sunday though!
Written by Shannon at 1:04 PM
Your lips, Your lies, Your lust, Like the Devil's in your Hands.
Wanna know what made my day? I got an 80[!!!!] on my 30 week math test!!!! Woot!!! I'm really happy I didn't fail. haha. Yeah, I had a good day today. Vertical is tonight, with nine12 presents! It's gonna be fun!!!
Also, I've re-discovered Anberlin. The headline is from Feel Good Drag by them. ^_^
Written by Shannon at 3:45 PM
Yay for shopping!
So my weekend wasn't totally how I planned it, but since when have my weekends turned out the way I intended? Not very many.
On Friday I was very very close not going to the mall, because I guess my mom thought that since the Hoenzschs weren't going, little Jon and his dad weren't going, so that automatically meant that I wasn't going. That got straightened out, and I was able to go, even though my mom wasn't too happy about it...So while we were in the mall, little Jon had to go into Hot Topic. He was like...You HAVE to go in there...While I'm, Goth store, much? So while he went in, I was hesitating to even set a foot in there. I went in about 5 seconds later because Jon's dad was somewhere else and I wasn't up to being alone in a crowded mall. It's not really bad in there, I don't hate it...but it's not my style. Yeah, Jon got his Retard-O-Bot t-shirt that he ordered from Florida. He felt very special. We walked around...A LOT. But it was fun enough. I tried to get Jon to go into Abercrombie & Fitch, but it was a worthless effort, he ran away. ^_^
On Saturday I went to the mall to get my haircut, and I must say it looks good. At least, I like it. Then hung out on the computer for awhile, then went to the service at Malta. Since I was not needed that night, I just hung out with Bates[when he wasn't hitting on college girls... ;] and watched my sister to make sure she didn't run off somewhere with her friend. After the service I held Benjamin for about 30 minutes straight, he's getting pretty heavy. ha ha. Then the Wises invited me to Friendlies along with Jon Bates, which was really nice of them. Then on the way home Nic tried to explain Currency and how much money I'd get if I exchange a U.S dollar for a Canadian dollar...It didn't go so well...I think I got some of it though. ha ha.
Today I once again went to both Clifton Park Services, which both went EXTREMELY well. In between services are so boring, I must recommend more of you peoples coming. Then afterward, I got my Easter outfit!! It's amazing. I love it. =D Went home, hung out and watched Nascar for a bit, and went on the computer. Now I'm listening to P.O.D. -"Going In Blind" talking to Alicia and Karl, and on myspace. This is pretty much everything I do on normal Sunday nights.
Written by Shannon at 3:32 PM
"...Or you'll end up living in a van, down by the river!"
I'm goin to the mall later, so that should be fun, but we're gonna miss Karl though!
Written by Shannon at 3:38 PM
Life is day that doesn't last for long...
I wish I could say I've been outside, enjoying the loverly weather with my super cool friends, but I can't. Yeah, this week my life has been fairly boring. I'm using fairly VERY lightly. With the ever so slim occasional shockwave of my cell vibrating, that's about how much excitement I've had since Sunday. I have a huge research project due next wednesday, I need to get caught up math, and do EXTREAMLY well on my 30 week test, and all I can hope for is that this weekend won't be a total drag. Which it won't!!!! I pretty much live for weekends =]
Written by Shannon at 4:58 PM
Maybe it IS the hair...
But Michael Jackson is a light-weight compared to the new king of the Hair Don'ts - the tragically tressed "Amerian Idol" finalist Sanjaya Malakar.
Half the world is asking how Sanjaya has hung on as perhaps the worst of the worst crop of male "Idol" "singers" in the show's history. The other half wants to know why he's changing his hairstyle more often than Britney Spears. Simon Cowell may have nailed it a few weeks back when, in a pained voice, he told Sanjaya: "Maybe it's your hair that's keeping you in; I don't know."
The first shock to our systems was when Sanjaya showed up for auditions tressed in a full-out Farrah. How did he even find a hairdresser who still knows how to feather?
Then instead of protecting 17-year-old Sanjaya, the show's producers threw him to the lions - meaning the "Idol" hairstylists.
Last week, he appeared with Jennifer Aniston's hair strangely attached to his head. But it wasn't until he sang for, yes, Diana Ross this week that we went into full toxic shock. Instead of copying her hairdo he showed up as Sally Struthers!
Take heart! If Sanjaya doesn't get the boot - at least we've got the hair."
Written by Shannon at 4:24 PM
Since I have nothing that interesting to blog about, here's a letter I got [9 days late, of course] I skipped a couple boring paragraphs...They were mostly about birth certificates and stuff.
"March 19, 2007
Dear Parents and Students:
As many of you are aware, each year O'Rourke Middle School students enrolled in French 9 are invited to participate in a day-long field trip to Montreal, Canada. The educational goals of this trip are two-fold: to visit and tour the 2nd largest French-speaking city in the world; and to provide an opportunity for our students to practice their oral and listening skills in a French-speaking city. We will also be inviting a small number of French 8 students to participate in this trip, based on their homework, participation, and quarterly grades in French class...
This year's trip will take place on Friday, May 18 2007, from 6:00 a.m. to approximately 11:00 p.m. There is a copy of the itinerary, the name of the travel company we will be using, what is included in the cost of the trip and other pertinent information. The cost of the trip is $100.00 per person, with other remaining costs to be funded by the Student Activities Fund.
Students will be responsible for their lunch (to be eaten in the Eaton Shopping Center) and any gifts or souvenirs they wish to purchase...
It is appreciated if all parents would discuss with their children appropriate behavior for this trip and acknowledge that all school rules will be in effect while on this trip. Students will have time to purchase souvenirs...Thank you for your consideration of this important opportunity for your child..."
OK, here are my complaints about this
1. I'm in French 8, French 9 is advanced...ok, not technically a complaint...oh well.
2. $100!?
3. 6am-11pm, major issues with that.
4. I bet we won't be able to eat on the bus, how long of a bus ride is it, like 4 hours?
4a.BUSES >_< bad enough riding them to school and back.
4b. We have to bring our own lunch. What about dinner?
5. I have to turn this in by April 5th. I got it today. rawr.
And yet, despite my complaints, I want to go. ^_^
Written by Shannon at 3:31 PM
"I didn't do it on purpose, I SWEAR!"
Just one of the many stupid things Ive said today, not to mention the dumb things I did.
So at around 8am, I woke up to dog barf on me...Then rolled over on it...>_< Not one of my best ideas, eh? Got ready for church...Then stopped at Dunkin Doughnuts, unfortunately I wasn't able to get anything thick and warm, because of my voice, - It just got over being nice and squeaky - I was afraid of it getting all icky again. So anyway, the 9:30 service at Clifton Park kicked off pretty well, nothing too bad happened...Until you go about 10-20 minutes into the service. I was leaning back in my chair, my legs all nice and stretched out, thinking, Oh, I won't hit the switcher on top of the box that turns off basically everything besides audio/lights, that Caroline did 3 weeks before...I'm gonna have to start second guessing myself. Because I guess my foot was right on top of it, and I moved, and then...Black. Within a few seconds, I was on the floor, tears streaming down my face, with Dave and Jon Bates scrambling to get everything back. Yeah, I felt pretty crappy after that. It took about 15 seconds to get the feed back on the side screens, but thankfully the middle HD feed didn't go black...After a talk with Jon, I felt a tad better. ^_^ The 11:30 service went much better than the one before it. Then headed down to the Wises to spend the day with them, and Karl and Little Jon. We watched some Apple Videos, Home movies, and a movie...and I can't remember the name...haha but there was this scene, and there were these two guys fighting [Matt Damon] and I guess when they were fighting, someone knocked some gas over, and Matt Damon killed the guy with a Magazine[v.s a knife...], and when he was done with it, he stuck it in a toaster, and there was this scene where the house exploded. Now, I didn't catch the part where the guy knocked over the gas, so I was like "HUH? You can make a house explode by putting a magazine in a toaster?" haha, yea...Then after little Jon left, we saw some pictures of Jon and Nic a few years back, which was sweet. I really hope that I could go to Malaysia later in my life, that'd be pretty cool...So once again, I'm at Malta, with all of my fingers, thinking about rubber duckies...[Don't ask]
Written by Shannon at 6:58 PM
I sound like a distressed squeaky toy that my dog chews on.
My voice is shot.
Every time I try to say something, I SQUEEK.
My voice better be back by tomorrow.=P
Written by Shannon at 2:25 PM
in·ev·i·ta·ble - Impossible to avoid or prevent.
I'm like...practically crying...
I'm really sad...
I really want someone to talk to...
But I wouldn't know where to begin...
I don't know what to do about this...
I feel that their is some kind of a strain on numerous relationships of mine, and I don't like it.
At all.
Written by Shannon at 11:26 PM
It's 24 Reasons To Admit That I'm Wrong. With All My Excuses, Still 24 Strong.
It feels like I'm getting sick.
My Throat hurts.
It really sucks.
I must've taken 7 cough drops in the last hour.
I never get sick.
Wanna know why I never get sick?
Because I loathe medicine.
Cherry, Grape, Bubble gum, Orange flavored ANYTHING makes me wanna puke.
I can't take pills, hard to swallow.
I think Tylenol tastes like poo.
I'm not afraid of shots though.
Ick >_<
Written by Shannon at 8:08 PM
Half Day, Peanut Butter, and Mia
Today the entire school district got a half day...Well, the students did at least. I got home at around 11:30, and did what any bored teenager does when they have nothing productive to do, besides watching TV. Yes, I went on my very crappy computer and talked online to people. Usually, I'm all over half days, I have something planned, or I just call someone up close by and go to their house, or to the Y. I JUST found out about the half day 2 days ago, and everybody had something planned, and none of the other school districts got half days...That I know of, so I was stuck at home, on the computer, listening to my iPod on repeat/shuffle for awhile until my sister got home decided she felt like she wanted to go online. Sometimes I get off before she asks, so she doesn't bother the crap out of me by asking, but today I didn't because she kept talking to me about how much she absolutely llllllluuuuuuuuuuvvvvvvvvssssssss her boyfriend[which by the way, she broke up with, then someone asked someone out, and now they're going back out again...all this in a 2 month period. If you read her myspace display name...or her buddy profile on aim- which by the way isn't very clean'll get a laugh, I know I did. ahah] But anyway, I got offline, and slept for about 45 minutes until I was rudely awaken by my dogs barking, and my arm tucked behind my head, which was oddly numb. So while I was waking up my arm, my sisters cell rang, and she got offline to talk to guess who?...If you thought her boyfriend..YOU'RE RIGHT. So I went online, then had to get off and on various times for different reasons.
The one I'm going to talk about was when I was hungry and decided to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. I get the bread...the peanut butter...spread the peanut butter on the bread...look for the jelly. NO jelly. I go to my second alternative, Honey. Alas, no honey. So since I was still hungry, I decided to have a peanut butter sandwich. Now as I'm getting to the point of this story, I think I should say this -> As some of you know, my sister is deathly allergic to Peanuts. Anything that has a peanut product in it, she can't have. So obviously, she can't have peanut least, I hope it's obvious. =P So, I'm walkin down the hallway with my peanut butter sandwich and she comes out of her room as I come by and, [as stupid as someone can get] she asks in utter shock,
"Is that for me? You're too kind!"
I'm like..."I wouldn't touch that."
She's like, "Why not?"
I say, "It's a peanut butter sandwich."
Her face turned PALE. No lie. Then this is what confuses me. This is what she said, "YOU WERE GOING TO GIVE ME A PEANUT BUTTER SANDWICH!? WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO DO, KILL ME?"....She called mom...complained...I got yelled at...I tried to defend myself, saying I had no reason to try and kill her today...That didn't go over well...and somehow in all of that I slammed my leg in a door...No, not through glass...and thankfully I didn't get into too much trouble ^_^
I just found out that she's coming to vertical on Wednesday as well...
Written by Shannon at 4:03 PM
I just LOVE math homework!
...Not really. So ya, tonight's my "Get caught up with my math homework that my math teacher didn't think that was up to par so I can pass this quarter" night. Hopefully I can get it all done before I pass out of the boredom.
Also,[this is so off topic but...] have you ever been online, and you know you have somewhere to go, or have to get offline at a specific time, then all of a sudden, 5 hundred diffrent things that you have to get done pop into your head, that you could've gotten done during the time you've been online, as you're just getting ready to get off? It's so annoying. =P
Written by Shannon at 4:25 PM
My response to a blog that was posted about me.
Dear James,
I didn't tell you to get over it, I told you to Grow up, in those exact words.
Also, way to go and not mention any "names." Kinda defeats the whole purpose if you have a link.
You said you were fine with it last night until you got people to back you up. Seriously. What the heck. I can hold my own, and you don't see me complaining about people making fun of me. Well, except maybe for Paul, but that's a different story.
You wanted an explanation as well.
You treat me like crap, you don't even know it. Then if you do, you don't care. I understand how teenage guys can be, but what you were doing was pushing it. I told you to back off, but you didn't. Then I say something in a blog, and you go and play it off like you're the pathetic victim. Like I said before, grow up, and also shut up.
Shut up about the whole, "I thought you were my friends" thing.
I'm still your friend, whether you know it or not. We're gonna go through a lot of crap for you not to be one of my friends anymore.
Written by Shannon at 4:11 PM
What is up with people writing poems!!?
I don't have a poetic bone in my body.
While everybody else does.
I don't understand poetry either. It's like...WOW, you definitely could tell there was no point to that. Either that, or it's some what good. Not that I would know what good poetry is, but yea. [I think some of it is for pansies, like James, but I guess it's for expressing yourself...?] I have no clue.
I'm prolly gonna get murdered for that last statement, but oh well ^_^
Written by Shannon at 4:52 PM
See, it's a blog.
Friday had to be the day I've gotten the most texts during school. It was pretty funny, it tested how much teachers actually pay attention [Which, they don't] and how curious people are when I get a text in the middle of class. [Which they are]"Who's it from? A friend from a different school? What's it say?" Quite annoying actually, but I liked the attention. ^_^
Saturday I hung out at home until around 4. I was supposed to go to the mall with Little Jon, Alicia, and Karl. But you can imagine how that turned out. Alicia's mom wouldn't let her because she's not allowed[i guess] to hang out with guys anymore for the next month, and Karl's mom never gave him an answer, and my mom wouldn't let me go to the mall if it was just little Jon, his dad, and me. That fell apart, so I went to the Malta campus at around 4:45, and helped around a little, and hung out with Karl and Joey most of the time, and Caroline, after she got there. I got to run the board. I haven't done a real service in Malta in awhile, So, I made a few accidents here and But nothing too detrimental. Then after the service, Father Jon, Caroline, Mrs.Matula, the Hoenzsch boys, my mom and I headed out to Stewart's for some free ice cream, then went home and watched cops. Bring on the stupid idiots that hide cocaine in their pants!
Sunday I headed up to Clifton Park, and went through 2 smooth services, [even though I had to watch the so-so job I did the night before] then went to Malta again for VPT 'work day' for a few hours, which was really fun, and headed out to the Hoenzschs for bible study. After I got home from that, I had to do 3 hours worth of homework. I really hate homework, seriously.
Today was eh. School days are always eh. Wednesdays, Saturdays and Sundays are the only days that are actually worth something to me right now. Kinda sad, but I hate my school, and I bet High School is even better. I CAN'T WAIT.
Have a great week off Jon!!!!
Written by Shannon at 3:17 PM
Just thinkin'
I have a globe in my bedroom that Mom got me way back in third grade, when I was just learning about cities and states and countries. Sometimes at night, I'd trace the land masses or lay my hand over the whole of the oceans and seas. Sometimes my fingers slid up and down the bumps that were supposed to be mountain ranges, or I'd memorize funny facts to tell Mom and Dad. The North American oceans have three syllables each. At-lan-tic. And Pa-cif-ic. But the Med-i-ter-ra-ne-an Sea goes on and on.
Before I went to bed, I'd twirl my globe hard so the blues blurred and the continents ran into each other. I'd close my eyes and point, hoping that my finger would hit some strange sounding place. Like Siam. Or Venezuela. What would it be like to be from these places. To live there. To move there. Experiencing everything diffrent. To be someone diffrent?
Written by Shannon at 4:20 PM
Back from a loooong weekend!
Yea, Elevate was pretty good. I have some pictures...but I can't seem to upload them right now...whateverrr. So here's how it went: [Sorry it's so incredibly long, but it's fresh in my head, and I don't want to forget any details...]
Friday- Got to the church at around 4ish or so, hung out with Cherish, Alicia and peoples, then headed onto the bus. I sat with Alicia, and she sat next to the window, so I obviously was on the outside. Next to us was Karl and little Jon, and talked somewhat for the next 2 hours or so until we got to our camp we were staying at. Immediately after we got there,[like literally after I sat my bags down in the lobby] Father Jon got James, Alicia and I to help him set up for the band Chasing Daybreak.[Honestly, I don't know why all the girls were screaming at//stalking them...Jamie and I were makin fun of them at dinner...ahaha] After we helped set up, we went to go eat, and the food was pretty good. Like, camp food isn't usually good. It was set up in a buffet type way, and had many choices. Chyea, so after we ate I had to find my way to my room. I think Alicia was with B.J or whatever, and I didn't feel like I needed anyone's help to find it. HA, yea right. I got lost like 4 times before I saw and asked Brad[a guy that goes to my school] to help me find my room. After I thanked him I looked around, picked the bed that wasn't taken[not that I had a choice] then headed down to where the service was[ or United 1]going to be held, and a guy named Scott Anderson spoke for us for the past 3 days, and he has cerebral palsy. Now when I first heard him, I was sitting in the back, with Father Jon, Alica & James, and Jon told James to turn something up [Later I realized it was just his mic] but when Scott started talking, I thought it was some kind of joke he was playing on everybody. Since he was in a wheelchair, it would be some kinda "haha, you really thought I talk like this?" But...He wasn't joking. I didn't know he had cerebral palsy until he told us. He was kinda difficult to listen to, but i eventually got used to it. [ Sorry, if you didn't go to elevate, that was kinda hard to understand] He was an amazing speaker, and sometime quite funny. [He even took a few cracks at Jon, haha.] Then after that, there was the Chasing Daybreak concert. I moshed a few times, but after that I got a neck ache. [icky] Then sat with the fragile musicians, who don't mosh. Then after that, I hung out with Karl and little Jon a bit, then at around 12 we had small group/girl time in my room with Alicia, Cherish, Kirsten, and it was pretty awesome =] We went to bed at like 2am.
Saturday- Woke up at around 6ish, because my cell phones alarm went off [because Cherish needed to be woken up to go running w/ Kirsten, but she didn't go...she didn't even wake up when the alarm went off. =P] Then dazed until around 7 or so, then went into the bathroom to take a shower, I brought my clothes in with me...Then realized I forgot something. I must have done that maybe about 10 times [attempting to try to not to make too much noise, but Its not like I was the only one making noise...people were like screaming/running down the halls] then thought to myself, this isn't going to be a good day, as fumbled through my stuff for my conditioner. And boy, was it ever a day. Then went down to breakfast with Alicia, had some stuff to eat ["stuff" as in: 4 grapes and water...I wasn't that hungry, but now that I think back, It would've been better if I ate more...] then wondered until we met up with little Jon, Karl and Tyler and peoples. Went to United 2, then we had to have a short, small group time. We combined with with the group across the hall, and we got all comfy in front of the fire place and talked about the service, and ate candy. ^_^ Then we went back to our rooms for a bit, then everybody decided they wanted to go to the Ice Rink, but Alicia and I wanted to be warm, so we went back to the fireplace and then everyone came back because it was too cold. ^_^ We played cards then, with a screwed up deck =P After that, [I honestly don't remember, don't hold me accountable for everything that went on, but I think...] we ate lunch, and Jon told me I could video tape some of the activity's that were goin on, then headed back to where the services were held, and got told the rules, etc. Got my video camera, and headed out with Jon, Karl and Tyler to the tubing hill. It was too crowded, so we turned around, walked...and walked...and walked...until Jon got the idea to flip off a huge snowbank. Which was hilarious, [I taped it] and walked some more. We walked around aimlessly until I video taped pretty much every event that happened, except the extreme volleyball thing. We then returned with Cherish and Alicia and other people, and we walked around inside until they wanted to stalk some guys. I, being the tense person I am, had yet ANOTHER neck ache, and didn't feel like going outside, and just wanted to sit. So, they ditched me, and about 1 minute later, I was sitting on a bench near the social hall, Jon, & Nic [holding Ben] came and asked me why I was sitting alone, and asked me to come with them to go to the social hall. Since i didn't want to be alone, I said sure, and got to hold baby Ben ^_^ Then the people that ditched me came back, and James wanted to hold Ben, [that was sleeping on me comfortably, who was woken up because of James] got to hold him, and Karl was the only one that apologized for ditching me =P We headed to the lobby, and everybody got situated. Me, in a loverly comfy chair, half sleeping, was made to sit on a couch, next to Father Jon. I maybe dosed off like 2 times, but awakened with the Ben's barf blanket, covering my face.[one word, gross] Then people all of a sudden started talking about wet willies. Jon was saying how gross it was, while James came up behind him, and gave him a wet willy. Jon jerked behind him, and flipped him over, ON ME! I was screaming my head off, and gave me my neck ache back =P But yea, nevertheless, I moved to the couch on the other side of me, dozing off here and there, then they started to talk about wet willies again, I open my eyes, because i knew something was bound to happen, then James licked his hand, and tried to shove it into Jon's face. They started to fight on the couch, then Jon got up, and James ran after him. Jon started saying how he was going to throw James into the snow. So I got up, with a few other people, and started after them. During this time, glass shattered as Jon's arm missed the door opener thing, instead, went through the glass, with James not far behind. I honestly don't know if i walked, or ran over to see what happened, but in the matter of a few seconds, glass was on the ground, Jon was clutching his arm, blood dripping, with muscle and glass and skin showing, to say it all. Jon turned around, and I got a superb look at his arm, and I swear, if my eyes weren't huge, my other facial expressions said it all. Jon told me he could see muscle, but he has had worse cuts before. I was backing away slowly as people rushed around him. Me, being as helpful as I am, started bawling. I still don't understand why. People told me that it was because I was right there when it happened, or it was because he is my leader, or it was because he's one of my closer friends, or because I've never experienced anything like that in my life before. All i can say is, no one else cried. But Felicia and little Jon had to be the best at that time, they were very comforting. Then as people started to realize what had happened, more help came, and people started to look at me and ask why I was crying. I don't want to go into detail, but I really love all of you people that helped me, and tried to and did comfort me. After Kirsten came down, she gave me the room key to go up to the room, because I was feeling extremely light headed. I don't really remember the entire night. All I know is that I didn't eat dinner, I couldn't really think, and people were continually watching me. I started to calm down eventually, and had had a semi good time at the concert [not saying the mishap there], and the bonfire, and going tubing with cherish!
[Jon R, Alicia, Karl, Kristen, and Cherish, are the best friends EVER.][ also, i hope i dont come off as some over-dramatic, attention seeker person, because i honestly dont know what came over me =\]
Sunday- I Woke up at around 7:30 and got ready to leave Speculator, didn't have any breakfast. I found out that the Wises were back the night before, but couldnt say hey, because they were asleep, then we then decided to have a party at the Wise's door, at around 7:15am and waited............and waited.......and waited....for them to come out, but they never did. They "supposedly" forgot about daylight savings. Well during United 4, They came into the room. Everybody watched as Scott recognized Jon, and started talking to him. After United 4, I really wanted to give Jon a huge hug...But i decided against it..because of his arm and all. =P After that, we[Jon R, Alicia, Karl and I] brought our stuff, and helped the Wises bring their stuff down. Then the Wises brought me to Clifton Park, and talked to Caroline and Paul some. And here I am, at Malta, waiting for my mom, wherever she went =P
Hoped you liked the ridiculously long blog....Sorry Sunday is cut short, my mom is here, and I wanted to finish it! =]
Written by Shannon at 1:58 PM
This Weekend =]
Is gonna be sooo much fun...I won't be I'm making up for it today =P
All I have to do is live from 7:15am-2:41pm...
And speaking of school, I'm debating if I should do a sport....whaddya think? God knows i'm not getting any thinner =P And if anyone comments about me being [too] skinny, I'll delete your sorry butt! =]
Written by Shannon at 7:02 PM
So about American Idol.
I havn't been able to watch American Idol AT ALL this week. So that just plain sucks. All i hope is that Blake and Chris don't get voted off...I've heard that LaKisha is pretty good, and also that DooLittle person...but I'll have to find out on my own now won't I? But the guy that really has to go is Sanjaya...
oh, and Libby, I'm willing to take you up on that offer! Just name a date.
Written by Shannon at 3:00 PM
It's the decisons that hurt us most.
Pretty bored.
Can't wait for tomorrow. {{Elevate!!}}
Can't believe it's been only a week since last thursday.
Feels like a million years.
I'm gonna try to smile more. =D
I bet you all are gonna love that. lol.
If I didn't say bye last night to you,
And I'll see most of you tomorrow!!!!!!
Written by Shannon at 11:47 AM
And he dont know that I dug my key into the side of his pretty little suped up 4 wheel drive
Waiting for vertical...
Tired of my iPod...
Listening to radio...
Carrie Underwoods new song is really good...
Because thats what im listening to.
And my heading is a lyric from it.
Here is the song.
Yep, so I should probably start doin my homework. =P
Bye Bye =]
Written by Shannon at 3:45 PM
I do not smell like poo, no matter what headline says that.
Sunday actually went better than I thought it would go, surprisingly. After the amazing first 2 services, one of them a video service, at CP i went over to the Wises. Not long after I got there, Bens diaper had to be changed. I actually changed Bens diaper! This is pretty much a milestone because I never have changed a babies diaper, let alone a baby boys =P But yea, I did..kinda poorly, but Nic was there to help...thankfully ahaha. Then after that I had to fix some sound box..[while enduring the occasional "How to save a Life" lyric over and over and over and over again by Jon]...which all i really had to do was put screws in it...but i actually had to take it apart 2 times. One time it was half way done, I forget why I took it part...but the other time I go to put the battery into the thing, the thing that connects the battery is stuck INSIDE. So i had to take it apart AGAIN to pull that conncector thingy out, and yea. Kinda got annoying. And yes, my vocabulary is big. Then after that I made some slide for the announcements for church, and learned something. Jon doesn't like ANYTHING I like.. He didnt agree on the font I picked, he didnt agree on how bright the picture should be, and he doesnt like how my layout on myspace looks! It's like, ugh. =P
Then I had to save the announcement slides, and Jon was like, name it anything..."Jon is a poo face" sounds good to me, huh? lol, im just so cleverrrrrr. Then after I got done with that we all went to the CP church to test out the soundboard that I so easily put together, then they dropped me off at Malta, cause my mom was there cause she teaches a Starting Point class, and waited there for about an hour, then went home and bed. woot! Today wasn't that exciting, I'm just waiting for this weekend! Yay Elevate!
Oh yes, and if any of you did happen see Jons display name last night, he IS a poo face =D
Written by Shannon at 5:11 PM
Except for this morning, because I had to clean, all I did today was veg, and be bored.
I'm really self conscious about asking people to go out and do things, and I don't like to invite myself to anywhere either. When I invite myself, it makes me feel like I'll be a burden or something. Then when people ask me to do stuff, I usually never say no. I'll do basically anything as along as it's with my friends. =]
Sooo, yea...Today's been pretty uneventful, and tomorrow afternoon won't be any better either.
Written by Shannon at 4:14 PM
It's All Around Me, and I Can't Wish This Away.
Wanna know what I think?
Well, I think myspace sucks. I think backstabbers suck. I think people that hang out with their ex-girlfriend after they just broke up with their girlfriend suck. I think people that always want to know everything about everyone suck. I think boundries suck. I think people that ban people from a team suck. I think people that make fun of and insult everything you do and say suck. I think people that compete over a guy suck.
But, it's just what I think.
Written by Shannon at 10:35 AM
Another Snow Day
Well actually...Burnt Hills got a 2 hour delay, but my mom said I didn't have to go if i didn't want to. So, i'm home for the day. =]
So ya, the past two days haven't exactly been the best in my life...I don't want to go into specifics...but it sucks. So incredibly much. But I have to get over it...hmpf.
Oh, does anyone know who got voted off American Idol? I didn't get to see who did. Although...I prolly could just go to the website...oh well =P
Written by Shannon at 8:18 AM
The 1st of about one billion blogs i will post about American Idol
Last night I watched American Idol for the first time since they were sending people to Hollywood. I don't really like watching it until the competion actually starts getting good. The guys were up, and I only got to see from the guy that was up second, to the very last person, and I've already picked 3 favorites. In the order of most liked, they would be...
- Chris Sligh
- Blake Lewis
- Nicholas Pedro
I like the 1st two the most because....I dont know, i just like them and Nicholas is hott =P lol, I havnt heard any of the girls, and i doubt i will for awhile because they sing on wednesdays, and vertical's on wednesdays, so oh well...[sidenote: no guy will ever be as good as chris daughtry!]
Written by Shannon at 3:37 PM
Typing without using your index finger is weird
Nothing has really happend that important recently...and nothing i really want to talk about here, but ya I have no idea how im gonna be able to keep updating this blog with school. I dislike budgeting my time =P On another note, I cut my finger today. Its loverly on my left index finger, near my nail, with a bandage over it, so it makes it hard to type. So instead of typing with my index, im typing with my middle. Its kinda weird, but ill get used to it eventually. Today is Mias[my sister] 13th birthday as well. So I'm gonna have to celebrate that tonight. Another, more special day for her getting all of the attention. *rolls eyes*
soo, ya nothing interesting happening. I'll blog later...
Written by Shannon at 5:23 PM
9th Period is the Best =P
Sunday afternoons suck. Especially when you have nothing to do and when you've just had a week off, with a super easy day on friday before break, with 2 snow days before that. It's like, I don't want to wake up at 5:30 just to be picked up by a smelly bus at 7:15 then by 12:30 you're like, all I have to do is get through 4 more periods...3 more periods...2 more periods...1 more period...You get my point. It just bores me to death. Tech and Art have got to be the most boring classes ever invented. I'm like, I dont care how to shade pink and blue colors the way you[Mrs.Flint] think is the right way, or how to work machines that I will never see again in my life. So ya, boring.
Written by Shannon at 4:13 PM
Price Chopper is Better.
So today some the Nine12 youth group + a few of the VPT headed up to Samuel's Coffee Shop. It's actually a pretty nice place than what I thought it was going look like. We were split into a few different groups when we got there. Cleaning and re-organizing the [OUTSIDE] basement or painting inside, or cleaning inside. At least, I think that's what the groups were, anyway I chose to clean and re-organize the basement, thinking, oh we won't stay out there for too long...right...well the basement was more like a bomb shelter, with a bomb that exploded within it...and nobody bothered to clean up after it. But that's why we were there! We picked up stuff that looked like they haven't been touched in months, and brought it up the stairs onto a blue tarp if they wanted to keep it, or chuck it into the dumpster that was a few more yards away if they didn't want it. So after about a hour of doing that, my toes were freezing off, but thankfully Mrs.Matula had to recycle glass bottles at Hanaford, and invited Caroline, Alicia and I to come with. I wasn't the only person with their feet freezing off! So are feet warmed up when we took off our shoes and our feet against the heaters in the car, but our shoes were still wet/cold. So after we helped Mrs.Matula bring the bottles in, we found the restroom, and dried our shoes with the hand drier.[like hair driers only..for hands. hahaa] =P Although we looked like idiots, it worked really well. Then we helped with the glass bottles and such, and headed back to the coffee house about 30 minutes later[we had some difficulties with the glass] and we came back to a much cleaner basement. All we had to do was bring some stuff off the tarp downstairs and re-organize somethings, then went back inside to some very good hot chocolate w/ whipped cream. yumm. Then there was pizza later on, but I was feeling uneasy after having the hot coco. Then we headed out, and on the way back we talked about Missions[?] stuff, and going with a group of people, learning for 3 months, then going out and doing stuff for 9 months +. I forget the word exactly that was used...but i think its totally awesome! I would so love to do that. Now if we could just pay for it...
Written by Shannon at 6:51 PM
My Top 10 Songs.
I gave it some thought, and now here are my top 10 fav songs on my iPod. You can ask why, if you want, but the reason I wont give reasons for every individual song is that i would take a long time to write =P If you want to check out the lyrics, just click the title of the song.
- "Hurt" - Thousand Foot Krutch
- "Stars(From the Mount Wilson Observatory)" - David Crowder Band
- "New Design" - Thousand Foot Krutch
- "Plc.4 Mie Haed" - Linkin Park
- "Satellite"/"Thinking About Forever" - P.O.D [tie]
- "Hero" - Superchick
- "I Climb" - Thousand Foot Krutch
- "The War" - Angels and Airwaves
- "Run" - Kutless
- "Everything to Me" - Avalon
These songs are newish, to pretty old, but that's because I didn't exactly get to choose the songs I got to have on my iPod...And I am going through an obsession with
Written by Shannon at 7:14 PM
Yesterday, Today, & Tomorrow.
Around 2:15 yesterday my dad dropped me off at Crackerbarrel on a very snowy afternoon for mrs.matula to bring me to her house. Well I guess I was a little earlier than I thought, and mrs.matula said I could sit in a rocking chair across from where the cooks are and the waiters/waitresses go until she was done. Not that I was complaining, I love the rocking chairs they have there. Anyway, when I sat down in the rocking chair I didnt notice what was attached to back of it. I didnt fully realize it was there until i started rocking -cause, it IS a rocking chair- and then I felt something hit my back. I thought it was some little kid -which was stupid on my part because there were NO little kids around, duh- and I just kept rocking...*hit*...rocking...*hit* and it just got so annoying. I couldn't very well get up and see what it was, because I would've looked weird with all of the people around, and I didnt want to move to the rocking chair across..but I guess I looked stupid already. So I decided not to lean back and forth anymore. Then the power went off. Have you ever been in school when the power goes out and all of the kids are like YES! Well it was exactly like that, only much, much quieter. Only I dont think the people that were eating there liked it very much. Then about 5 seconds later it came back on. Then about 5-10 minutes later, mrs.matula was done, and she said we could leave. So I got up, anxious to see what was on the back of my rocking chair. It was some pink colored gaytarded bunny cover for the rocking chair with a huge carrot in its hand, [I figure that the carrot was the thing kept hitting my back] which they were trying to sell. It was 10$. I personally would've only bought it for 1 dollar, but whatever. So after a few stops, we eventually got to the matulas.
I spent about 2? hours there with caroline, alicia, and sarah until mrs.matula told us to start to get ready to go to Willard Mt. to tube! So I got all dressed up, from my hat to my socks, and waited inside until somebody else got done getting ready. Then Joey called and said, "Is your refridgerator running?" then hung up. Then Alicia, Caroline and I called him back, and yelled "N00B!" when he picked up, then hung up quickly. It was really funny. Then we started to burn up, and waited outside for awhile. Then I picked up some snow, expecting it to be all fluffy, when it stuck together when I packed it. Then I told alicia, and hit the snowball with my foot. That sparked interest with her, and we attempted to play hackysack with the poor snowball. Unfortunetly, everytime we either kicked it, or fell on the ground, it fell apart. It's not like we couldn't have made many, many others, it's just that it got kinda boring, and we both suck at hackysack. So then I just threw the snowballs as far as I could at the driveway. Then James got dropped off, then we all just hung out until Karl and family, and Jon R came. They couldn't make it up the steep driveway up the house, so they walked up the hill. Although we ran down the hill to meet them, which was pretty funny. Then mrs.matula told us that we can't go tubing because Willard was closed. Then about 5 seconds later, the Wises pulled up...halfway at least. Then we ran down to them again, and told them about the news, then Jon randomly pounced, or at least that's what it looked like, on Joey or was it Willy? I don't remember. But yea, that was really funny, then we had about an hour long snowball fight then a poor game of capture the flag because everyone was too exahusted to even attempt to play. Except Karl, of course. Then we went back inside into the warmth, and took off the wet clothes, got into dryer clothes, and hung out for a little bit. Either watching Left Behind on the partially crowded couch, talking in the kitchen, or talking in carolines room/on the stairs. Then at around 8 my mom picked me up at crackerbarrel to bring me home.
I got home at around 8:45ish, and I didn't even bother to watch the rest of american idol, [not that its anygood this season anyway] I just went straight to bed. I slept for a good 11 hours, with a few rude awakenings from my dogs, I slept like a rock. then this morning when I woke up, my back and my shoulders were, and still are, SO sore! Its ridiculious! haha. So today I have nothing planned to do, and its gonna be so boring, so if anyone decides they want to do something, call me!!!
Then tomorrow the high school youth group, nine12, is going up to samuel's coffeeshop to clean up or out their basement. Although i'm not technically allowed to go, because im in middle school, I can, and the rest of the VPT, can go because...well i dont know exactly why, but i know we can go. Hopefully I won't be as sore tomorrow...
Yesterday was pretty sweet, and i'm so happy that I got to spend it with you all. ily=D
Written by Shannon at 8:38 AM
So about Star Wars
It was OK. I can't say I loved it, but it was better than I thought. I can..kinda say that I'm not a n00b anymore. And I promise you, if any of you people, yes you, you, you, and you, say that I'm a n00b one more frickin time, i'll smack your heads together. =P
Also, Paul. I'd rather you NOT read my blog anymore if you're going to keep critizing it like you were doing last night. If you do keep reading it, don't express your dumb ass sarcastic comments.
Written by Shannon at 8:29 AM
Right, well about lent then. I think I'll try it out, i've never done it before.
Im gonna give up prolly the most traditional thing. Candy, and not just chocolate and sour stuff alone. anything made of suger. brownies, gum, snickers ect, ect, ect
Its gonna be a long 40 days...
Written by Shannon at 11:20 AM
So in the past few days
[in no order]
I've been badly insulted.
I've been sad.
I've been happy.
I cried.
I've been hurt, emotionally.
I've realized that I unfortunetly have barely any empathy.
I can't do anything right.
I've prayed with a friend.
I've been cursed at.
The world became strangely real.
I don't say what i'm feeling, but I expect people to know how I feel.
And I wish that it would come true.
Had a sleepover.
Went over to a friends house.
I want stuff I can't have.
I realized that what I want, won't come for a very long time.
And it hurts.
Written by Shannon at 2:11 PM
Rationalization is a big word.
Something recent just happend to my friends, and it made me so totally pissed off. But everyone else had their own way of dealing with what was happening, and it made me think about it.
3 Ways people vent...that i know of...dont take this as something that you should cherish forever =P
1. Rationalization- You do have a little emotion about whatever just happened, but you think it through and you rationalize it. You think about both sides, not just one. You think, how did this person act, how they're feeling and why they acted that way. Then how the other person is feeling about the action that was taken, and the action they will take...
[Sorry if that just made no sense to you...]
2. Emotional- Depending on the situation, you could be so totally pissed off, that there is no way you could possibly rationalize crap. You run on that emotion, and run until you eventually cool down, then see that there are two parts of the story, not just one. But by then, damage could already be caused.
3. Ignorance- You block it out. You aren't accepting the reality that is going on around you. You don't take it in, and you let it continue around you, while you wait for everything to fix itself on its own. You basicly numb yourself to the situation, and pretend that everythings fine.
Idk, its just something i felt like posting. Have fun.
Thank you to Alicia, for helping with the post =]
Written by Shannon at 11:29 PM
My Views
My opinions on a view main things...
Politcs/The War: I tend to lean to the Republican/Conservative side alot more than i do the Liberal side. I like to support the president, more than bash him. I think it's a sign of real weakness of the country when we don't stand behind our president, I mean come on, most of you people DID vote for him incase you forgot. And I do support the war. We can't just leave there and come home and leave everything to the terrorists. Also, i firmly believe that if we do leave, they'll start attacking the United States.
Abortion: Unless for some strange reason it is absolutely necessary you have to get an abortion, i'm all against it. It's you're own fault you got knocked up.
Gay Marriage or Homosexuality: I think he can do a better job explaining this than anyone.
Global Warming: If i understood it at all becides, the earth is heating up and its all our fault, i would give my opinion =p
I would give my opinion on other things like for example, Stem Cell Research, but i honestly dont know really anything about the other stuff.
ohh well =]
Also, when the Presidental Race becomes closer, I'll give my opinion more about that. [but, i like John McCain more then Rudy Giuliani though]
Written by Shannon at 4:14 PM
Polyphobia - Fear of many things.
I found this site that had a list of phobias, so im gonna list all of my fears. lol.
Acrophobia- Fear of heights.
Apiphobia or Melissophobia- Fear of bees.
Arachnephobia or Arachnophobia- Fear of spiders.
Cacophobia- Fear of ugliness[and fat people]
Claustrophobia- Fear of confined spaces.
Cleithrophobia or Cleisiophobia- Fear of being locked in an enclosed place.
Demophobia- Fear of crowds.
Entomophobia- Fear of insects
Glossophobia- Fear of speaking in public or of trying to speak.
Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia- Fear of long words.[haha]
Homophobia- Fear of homosexuality.
Isolophobia- Fear of solitude, being alone.
Kakorrhaphiophobia- Fear of failure or defeat.
Mythophobia- Fear of myths or stories or false statements.
Necrophobia- Fear of dead things.
Nosocomephobia- Fear of hospitals.
Nosophobia or Nosemaphobia- Fear of becoming ill.
Obesophobia- Fear of gaining weight.
Odynophobia - Fear of pain.
Paralipophobia- Fear of neglecting duty or responsibility.
Philophobia- Fear of falling in love or being in love.
Soteriophobia - Fear of dependence on others.
Teratophobia - Fear of bearing a deformed child.
Topophobia- Fear of certain places or situations, such as stage fright.
Virginitiphobia - Fear of rape.
Written by Shannon at 12:02 PM
Snow Day
Well, this is my first post. I don't really have a motive for creating a blog, but it seems to be catching on. Im just pretty much going to talk about anything in this blog. And i talk alot. So have fun =p
Today was the first snow day this school year for a lot of people[including me].
This morning when i came downstairs at around 6:30-because the gay next door neighbor was plowing, and he kept dropping the stupid plow thing on asfault, which made the huge BANG noise everytime. So having nothing better to do than listen to banging, i got up-and heres the convo i had with my parents.
Me: "We have no school....right?"
Dad: "uh, yea you have school."
Me: "WHAT?!"
Dad: "Yea, you might want to get ready."
Me: "MOM! Do we really have school?"
Mom: "Yes....*smirk* you have school..*smirk*
[note: she can't keep a straight face when she lies, EVER]
Isnt that great? lol...that's how i woke up this morning.
I watched the weather last night, and this morning. Last night, where i live it was right smack dab in the middle of the line the separates the 18-36in and the 8-18in. This morning after i woke up, i watched the local news, and now it says anywhere above 2ft of snow. whoopdeedoo.
I remember when i was in elementary school, when snow days were a BLAST. I would get all dressed up in my big bushy snow pants, and matching fuzzy hat and gloves and stiffly walk out into the snow. Wether it was snow ball fights, or just trying to catch snowflakes with my tounge, it was always fun. Then when we would come in, my mom would make us hot chocolate while we would defrost.
But now...I look at the snow and think, "Oh my God, I'm going to have to shovel that." Shoveling totally takes the fun away out of snow days.
Written by Shannon at 8:55 AM