

Since I have nothing that interesting to blog about, here's a letter I got [9 days late, of course] I skipped a couple boring paragraphs...They were mostly about birth certificates and stuff.

"March 19, 2007

Dear Parents and Students:

As many of you are aware, each year O'Rourke Middle School students enrolled in French 9 are invited to participate in a day-long field trip to Montreal, Canada. The educational goals of this trip are two-fold: to visit and tour the 2nd largest French-speaking city in the world; and to provide an opportunity for our students to practice their oral and listening skills in a French-speaking city. We will also be inviting a small number of French 8 students to participate in this trip, based on their homework, participation, and quarterly grades in French class...

This year's trip will take place on Friday, May 18 2007, from 6:00 a.m. to approximately 11:00 p.m. There is a copy of the itinerary, the name of the travel company we will be using, what is included in the cost of the trip and other pertinent information. The cost of the trip is $100.00 per person, with other remaining costs to be funded by the Student Activities Fund.

Students will be responsible for their lunch (to be eaten in the Eaton Shopping Center) and any gifts or souvenirs they wish to purchase...

It is appreciated if all parents would discuss with their children appropriate behavior for this trip and acknowledge that all school rules will be in effect while on this trip. Students will have time to purchase souvenirs...Thank you for your consideration of this important opportunity for your child.

OK, here are my complaints about this
1. I'm in French 8, French 9 is advanced...ok, not technically a complaint...oh well.
2. $100!?
3. 6am-11pm, major issues with that.
4. I bet we won't be able to eat on the bus, how long of a bus ride is it, like 4 hours?
4a.BUSES >_< bad enough riding them to school and back.
4b. We have to bring our own lunch. What about dinner?
5. I have to turn this in by April 5th. I got it today. rawr.

And yet, despite my complaints, I want to go. ^_^

1 comment:

KarlH said...

sounds cool!