
Changes to my school schedule...again

Haven't blogged in awhile...Not too much going on either. Went to church and to Joey's 13th b-day party on Sunday, and hung out there for the entire afternoon until around 6:45 when my mom came. Did my homework [seriously, how messed up are my teachers?] and went to bed at 11, exhausted. Woke up at 5:30am, not the least bit tired, to go downstairs to check if we had a delay or if we were closed or something on channel 13...It said BHBL wasn't so I was like...ugh...and started getting ready for the day. Then at around 6:45 I went downstairs to brush my teeth, and as I was I went into the living room to get something, and the T.V was still on, I stole a glance and now it said we had an hour delay. So that kinda sucked, but the 1st 4 classes were only 20 minutes long. It balanced out, except when I went into homeroom. Before I explain this, here's my regular everyday schedule on Mondays. Everything through 8th Period is where I go everyday, except 9th.

1st Period: English
2nd Period: French
3rd Period: Science
4th Period: Art
[Locker break]
5th Period: Lunch
6th Period: Social Studies
7th Period: Technology
8th Period: Math
9th Period: Study hall

[I had study hall on every Mondays, Wednesdays, and A-Fridays. Gym on every Tuesdays, Thursdays, F-Fridays. The A and the F-Fridays are just every other week.]

I walked in only to be given a slip of paper saying that my Tech class was switched with my Gym/Study Hall class, and my Gym class was now on Mondays, Wednesdays, A-Fridays, and Study Hall on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and F-Fridays. [Yeah, I was just a little pissed. {sarcasm} This is the 3rd time they changed my schedule this year.] So I go to my new gym class like a good girl, with a decent excuse that I didn't have my gym clothes because I didn't know I was going to be in gym class today, [I really didn't] to be told that I wasn't in that gym class, and that I should go back to my old scheduled classes. So I walked all the way around the school to Tech, and went through my normal classes. I walked into Study Hall, and my teacher said I wasn't in the class anymore. [annoyed? very much so.] I told her that the person that was organizing [If that's what you want to call organizing] this whole thing told me that I should go to my regular classes, and NOT to go to gym. My teacher sent me down to the guidance office, waited 10 minutes just to be told to go to gym and that she told me to go to gym when she talked to me 7th period. So I went to gym, fuming because she did NOT tell me to go to gym, and I couldn't yell at her without being getting ISS, and detentions until the end of the year. [In School Suspension] So I just sat on the bleachers, with about 4 other girls who also got their schedules screwed up and that did not have their gym clothes either. FUN day.

Today was just a boring day, but now the teachers are giving loads of homework. Woot! hahhaa. Tomorrow should be fun, I cannot wait to hear Father Jon speak at Vertical/Nine12!


KarlH said...


that sounds VERY frustrating.

Jon said...

I miss middle school =[

Nothing mattered then =[


KarlH said...

ha, I'll be a college boii next year.

yayy me.

Jon said...

ISS isn't all that bad...I was there for about 10 min...got my work done...And made an excuess to get out of it ^_^ and yay Karl!

Shannon said...

Karl- nice! ;]

Jon- lol, I don't anticipate being that bad to have to go to ISS, ever. =P