

That would be the Clifton Park campus sanctuary... With some redecorating going on for the big move with Malta. The ceiling is being spray painted with some special chemical in it. I found a whole bunch of it on the production booth Sunday morning. It's black (obviously) and it feels like really fine dirt or sand. The nastiest stuff to get on your skin and/or clothes...

Speaking of redecorating, I went shopping with a friend of mine the other day, and I finally bought a cover for my iPod! About time, I know. Most of them were really ugly... It took me forever to find one I really liked. I also bought The Host by Stephenie Meyers. I finished it. It's a pretty good book. I didn't think it was nearly as good as her Twilight series though. (Next book coming out August 2nd!! Two days before my birthday!) I have to reread it though. There are so many details in that book, my head was hurting.

I have my Global (Social Studies) final tomorrow. DBQs are always fun... I can't wait until school is over!! =] Three weeks left of classes. Four weeks if you count finals and regents. I'm scared that I won't pass the regents. That I'll have to repeat the class and/or go to summer school. Scary! I want summer.

Tonight is Part One of the finale for American Idol!!!!!! We all know who I'm rooting for. By the way, I heard that one of the judges, Paula Abdul is singing tonight. Does anyone even listen to (or like) her anymore...?

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