My So-Called Problem.
I'm pretty sure my life is hitting a low point right now. I'm being crunched for time. Once I get past the 20th, I'm free. (Practically) Hopefully I get a job soon, because I want to drive sometime this century.
Anyway, I keep getting these stupid letters saying something similar to this:
Just wanted to let you know, your idiot child is in jeopardy of failing the entire course. Because he/she is in jeopardy of failing, we've taken the liberty to sign your child up for a speaking proficiency exam at the end of the year so that he/she gets a better grade. Or... so that we look better. Feel free to yell at your child and be pissed off with no end in sight.
It's for french. This has happened once before about a month ago. I went to my guidance counselor, and he said it's impossible that I can fail the course. I've gotten B's in that class all 3 quarters. No possible way, period. Then, sometime last week, I got my iPod taken away for the entire day in French for checking the weather for a friend. What the heck. Then, it gets better. One of the vice principals decided to call and inform my parents that if I get it taken away again, I'll get suspended. I'm telling you, my french teacher has it out for me.
Aside from that, I think I'm going to play field hockey in the fall. I went to an info meeting during activity period, (complete waste of the few remaining, by the way), and I'm definitely considering doing it. I have no idea how to play, though. Mary is going to attempt to teach me, but I'm still sort of uneasy about that. It's a tad safer than rugby, that's for sure. Apparently it isn't. I just found that out. Great.
I got 6:39 on the mile, second to a 6:38. My best time ever running the mile for school. I feel pretty good about it. I do feel bad, though, for Mary. She threw up on the last 200m. It was kind of discusting... I went with her to the nurse. It sucks for us because we have lunch right before gym. It's hard to run with a full stomach.
I'm going to go to bed. Hopefully my weekend won't blow up in my face anymore.
Written by Shannon at 8:27 PM
Behind Your Eyes.
I've traveled the world twice over,
Met the famous; saints and sinners,
Poets and artists, kings and queens,
Old stars and hopeful beginners,
I've been where no-one's been before,
Learned secrets from writers and cooks
All with one library ticket
To the wonderful world of books.
I love books. I love how they take me from this world, to a completely different one. I love how I can read for hours till no end, fall asleep, then wake up only to read again. I love how I get so connected with the characters, I feel the emotions they feel. I don't, and I doubt I will ever, understand why people don't like reading. They would rather see the movie. I have hardly ever heard anyone say that the movie was better than the book. You imagine for yourself what the characters look like, what they sound like. Imagining their world behind your eyes.
I'm kind of a bookworm. I read whenever and I read whatever I can get my hands on. It comes from my mom, she reads probably more than me. Since I read a lot, I've come up with the "short and to the point" version of some books that have stood out to me. A few of them are typical for a teenage girl... While some maybe not so much.

- Harry Potter - I started reading this series in like, 3rd grade. I went to the library in my elementary school, and for whatever reason, I picked up Harry Potter. Not the first one, the third one. The Prisoner of Azkaban. I was hooked, even though I was out of order. I went back and read up to the fourth one. I patiently waited years for the fifth, the sixth, and finally the seventh to come out last year. I can thank J.K. Rowling, because it was this series that got me wanting to read.

- To Kill a Mockingbird - I know, some of you are like, "What is that girl on?" But if you actually took the time to read it and do the review sheets for English, not copy the answers from a friend or online, you would see it how I see it. Quite possibly my favorite part of the book was the last few chapters. I almost cried. =P

- The Chronicles of Narnia - I love the adventures. It's amazing how C.S. Lewis imagined and breathed life into these stories. I've read all of the books, but my favorite of these are tied between the Magicians Nephew, the Voyage of the Dawn Treader, and the Last Battle. I can't pick just one. The world between worlds concept is pretty interesting to think about, if you take the time. Then the adventures in the Dawn Treader are pretty awesome.. I haven't read any of his other books, but I want to.

- The Twilight Series - Yeah, some people think it's racy. The back of one of the books do seem to imply that it is... But it really isn't. (Most of the time...=p It's a Young Adult book, what can I say?) It's completely out of context with the entirety of the plot. It's much better than I ever thought it was going to be. I've read, reread, and re reread those books so many times. The final book, Breaking Dawn, is coming out on August 2nd. (Two days before my birthday!!!!!) The Twilight movie is coming out in December. Caroline, Alicia and I are seeing it together. I can't wait to see how it turns out!
Written by Shannon at 8:30 PM
I've been getting into a bad habit of blogging. Blog somewhat steady, then taking like 5 days to blog again. Bad habit.
- I saw The 2nd Narnia on Friday with a group of friends. It wasn't as good as I had hoped, especially since the reviews that I had heard from friends raved about it. I liked the 1st better. It was lengthy... The best part I thought, was the ending. I also am never eating a hot dog again in public with people watching me. The stupid thing got stuck in my braces, and I couldn't get it out of my mouth... I was laughing too hard. It wasn't even a normal sized hot dog. It was a mini one, smaller than my iPod. Talk about embarrassing...
- I have to take Drivers ed, and that costs like, 350 dollars, and I want a car, and my parents won't let me get one unless I pay for half of the insurance. That means a job. I was getting an application at Hannaford, and I went to the customer service area, and this really hot guy was working there. Somewhere around the age of 16 or 17 or something. Super cute. I'm definitely working at customer service. ;]
- I went through iTunes yesterday, and I found Time to Pretend by MGMT. I swear I've heard that song somewhere before. I can't remember where for the life of me. I really like it. Has anyone heard any good music lately, because I need some...
Tomorrow is a fun filled day of cleaning around the house with my family... Shoot me now?
Written by Shannon at 8:12 PM
WOW. David Archuleta lost.
Kind of upset.
No comments for you people that are going to rub it in my face. Suck it, James. =P
Written by Shannon at 10:01 PM
That would be the Clifton Park campus sanctuary... With some redecorating going on for the big move with Malta. The ceiling is being spray painted with some special chemical in it. I found a whole bunch of it on the production booth Sunday morning. It's black (obviously) and it feels like really fine dirt or sand. The nastiest stuff to get on your skin and/or clothes...
Speaking of redecorating, I went shopping with a friend of mine the other day, and I finally bought a cover for my iPod! About time, I know. Most of them were really ugly... It took me forever to find one I really liked. I also bought The Host by Stephenie Meyers. I finished it. It's a pretty good book. I didn't think it was nearly as good as her Twilight series though. (Next book coming out August 2nd!! Two days before my birthday!) I have to reread it though. There are so many details in that book, my head was hurting.
I have my Global (Social Studies) final tomorrow. DBQs are always fun... I can't wait until school is over!! =] Three weeks left of classes. Four weeks if you count finals and regents. I'm scared that I won't pass the regents. That I'll have to repeat the class and/or go to summer school. Scary! I want summer.
Tonight is Part One of the finale for American Idol!!!!!! We all know who I'm rooting for. By the way, I heard that one of the judges, Paula Abdul is singing tonight. Does anyone even listen to (or like) her anymore...?
Written by Shannon at 4:31 PM
TV Shows.
Has anyone seen or heard anything about House or American Idol lately, or am I the only one? These just happen to be my two favorite shows right now, and they just happen to be on 3 of the 5 days a week that I actually watch TV! (Except for the news... Shut up, I do watch news.) This next week is both of their season finales, and I'm pumped!
Yes, I still am in love with David Archuleta. Yes, I still think he's adorable. No, I don't think he's too young. I like both of them, but David A. had me the first time I heard him. =] By the way, has anyone seen him standing next to David Cook? He's so tiny compared to him! Either David C. is humongous, or David A. just hasn't hit his growth spurt. Who do you want to win?
House... is just crazy. The past episode was the best one I've ever seen. Seriously, did anyone see it? What did you think of it? I have high expectations for the finale! I hope she doesn't die, it would kill Wilson... Yeah, I get into it. =]
Written by Shannon at 10:30 AM
I've been busy with school, cut me some slack. I can't blog when I have a ton of homework and tests to study for... ha ha, right.
- I got my cyst removed on Tuesday. I don't really like it when doctors say, "This shouldn't hurt at all," when it really hurts like hell. Maybe I have low tolerance of pain or something. The orthopedics was across from a social security place, and on the other side of the orthopedics was another government building, and practically the entire side of it all windows. It was kind of cool since they reflected like mirrors, but I couldn't see inside. Makes you wonder what goes on in those buildings...
- My braces don't hurt anymore! This is a very good thing. I can eat anything. Anything except apples. I can't bite down on apples without sheer pain. I also now have to put up with everything I eat getting stuck in them... Gross.
- Track is over! No more taking the bus home/to a friends house and feeling guilty about it. I thought I had a pretty decent season overall. I am going to go to a gym that opened near by and *try* to stay somewhat in decent shape...
- New cellphone charger... But only one. If you know my sister and I, we don't taking sharing too well. It's very... difficult. She always takes it, and doesn't give it back. I have to take it when my battery is beeping at me to charge it, because I always forget to get it. I, of course, am a different story. I always give it to her whenever she needs it, being the loving sister that I am...
Besides the fact that I am still currently jobless and broke (hopefully that will change soon enough) those are my updates. Today is half day, so I'm stuck home. Anyone doing anything interesting? =]
Written by Shannon at 12:30 PM
Mothers Day!
My teeth hurt. A lot. I know, take an Advil or something, right? Too bad I have the worst time taking pills. I absolutely hate pills and liquid medicine. I think medicine is disgusting and I can't swallow anything. I pretty much suffer through anything.
Anyway, Mothers Day is tomorrow as most of you know. I decided to do something a little different. Anyone that knows my mom knows that she loves flowers and colorful trees. Friday I went around and took pictures of flowers that are in her garden (and other places) and some blooming trees that are around our house. I'm giving them to her so she can have them as a screen saver or desktop or something for her work. She'll probably want to print some out too. Oh yeah, and a card.
I put most of the pictures on my flickr, but here are some.
Written by Shannon at 8:48 PM
I'm not really in the mood to blog.
- I just got my bottom braces earlier this afternoon. They don't hurt right now, it just feels kind of weird. (Ask me if they hurt tomorrow. =P) My mouth is sore... Which is expected when your mouth was stretched far beyond it's supposed to. My mouth also tastes bad... Bleh. On the bright side, I got to miss half of science and AIS.
- My phone charger is broken. That means my sister and I both have dead cellphones. (She lost hers, and has been using mine for the time being... I have a suspicion that she broke it.) If you've been texting me and haven't been getting a response, that's why.
- I would really love to sleep. Unfortunetly I have to read +200 pages and do a book report by next Thursday. I have a Unit test in Global next Tuesday. Speaking test in French tomorrow. Two labs due in Science (and review sheets). Maybe some Math review sprinkled somewhere inbetween. Not to mention the fact that I'm TIRED.
Written by Shannon at 3:01 PM
I somehow have a crack on the left corner of my iPod screen. From the top, right through my Safari icon. Not a tiny, cute little scratch, mind you. Now, the first thing anyone says when they use my iPod is, "Holy crap, what happened to your screen!?"
You can't help but notice it. Like a single huge red zit on the very tip on anyones nose. Or like a big mole on somebodies face. It's tough to explain how it happened, because I don't even know. It's not that I don't take care of it, because I do. It has become essential, as weird as that sounds. I protect it with my life. (Okay, maybe not... But you get my point.) I got it for a christmas present, so you can't even imagine what my parents said...
I believe it happened somewhere in my bag, but I wouldn't be able to tell you beyond that. Everything still works fine though. Do you have any idea how much it costs to have the screen replaced? $150 and above. I don't have that kind of money--or any, for that matter--to spend. It's seriously bugging me. I miss my sleek screen.
Written by Shannon at 7:54 PM