To put it simply...
I got the top of my right ear peirced! I love it.
I forgot my usb cord at Carolines. My iPod is dead.
I'm eating pudding with whipped cream. I'm so fat.
I've done no homework.
I'm excited tomorrow is going to be 62!
I can't wait for the Skillet & Thousand Foot Krutch concert!
Vertical/Nine12 was pretty great last night.
My hand is much better.
Some people really bug me.
I have a meet on Thursday.
I'm thirsty.
I think I should go to bed...
Long Day. Short Post.
My weekend so far...
Sorry about the quality of the picture... It was taken on my cellphone since I don't have batteries for my camera. I bought some on Friday, but I bought triple A's instead of double A's.
That's what happened to me last night... I was at Paul's 16th birthday party, which was very fun, and we all were in the middle of a snowball fight. Somewhere along the way I slipped and fell fairly hard on the palm of my right hand. (I scraped my left leg somehow as well. I got another pretty nasty bruise from that.) Four mothers, including two mothers that were nurses, said that I most likely sprained it. I couldn't move my thumb very much, only certain ways. It hurt, a lot! Put ice on it, take Advil, and if it's worse in the morning, get X-rays. That's pretty much what they all said.
So I waited it out, and this morning my hand was perfectly fine, except for the bruising and swelling. I think it's kind of stupid, actually. All I got was pain, a little attention, and a bruise. That's not very interesting to me, practically boring. Next time, I'm going to break my hand or something a little more exciting. ;]
Here's an e-mail I received earlier. It made me smile:
A lesson to be learned from typing the wrong
e-mail address...
A Minneapolis couple decided to go to Florida to thaw out during a particularly icy winter. They planned to stay at the same hotel where they spent their honeymoon 20 years earlier. Because of hectic schedules, it was difficult to coordinate their travel schedules. So, the husband left Minnesota and flew to Florida on Thursday, with his wife flying down the following day. The husband checked into the hotel. There was a computer in his room, so he decided to send a e-mail to his wife. However, he accidentally left out one letter in her e-mail address, and without realizing his error, sent the e-mail. Meanwhile, somewhere in Houston , a widow had just returned home from her husband's funeral. He was a minister who was called home to glory following a heart attack. The widow decided to check her e-mail expecting messages from relatives and friends. After reading the first message, she screamed and fainted. The widow's son rushed into the room, found his mother on the floor, and saw the computer screen which read:
To: My Loving Wife
Subject: I've Arrived
Date: October 16, 2004
I know you're surprised to hear from me. They have computers here now and you are allowed to send E-mails to your loved ones. I've just arrived and have been checked in. I see that everything has been prepared for your arrival tomorrow.
Looking forward to seeing you then!
Hope your journey is as uneventful as mine was.
PS. Sure is freaking hot down here!!!
Written by Shannon at 8:44 PM
Tales That Must Be Retold.
It's been a crazy few days, that's for sure. They just had a baby girl! I got a text from Jon at 4 a.m. saying how it's for real this time, so of course I couldn't go back to sleep. I was practically bouncing off the walls for the entire morning until finally he said the baby was born and in healthy condition. When I got to school I decided to see if there were any new events happening... That's when I first got it. The pop-up saying how the iPod couldn't connect to the server. I figured the server must be down, so I didn't think too much of it until about 2 hours from then in Global. My Global teacher is a computer geek, and sometimes uses the Internet to teach our class, so I figured I'd ask him about what was going on with the server. He said that they were blocking the wireless connection, to stop teenagers like me from looking up porn on Youtube or something. I, of course, made a sarcastic remark of my own, that will not be repeated. =]
Some other stuff going on that I was going to write about... But I'm thinking it's just not worth my time, nor my emotional capacity to blog about right now. So I'll write about my upcoming weekend:
- Tomorrow is an important day for track... So I can't skip this practice... Dang. =]
- Friday is a half day, so I *might* be going to the Wises to see Abi in the afternoon, and going with them to Paul's birthday party. Then sleeping over and spending Saturday with Caroline.
- Sunday is church, then Vertical/Nine12 is starting up! Should be interesting...
Written by Shannon at 9:35 PM
About Me:
My name is Shannon.
I want to see the world.
I'm fifteen years of age.
I'll be sixteen in August.
I'm in 9th grade.
I'm your average teenager.
I'm usually shy if you don't know me.
I love Mocha Frappachinos.
My skin isn't perfect and my hair doesn't always go the right way.
I'm happy with myself; I'm not perfect, but I'm cool with that.
I change my mind alot and believe me, it's annoying after awhile.
I'm worried that I won't go anywhere in life, and that I'll end up disappointing everyone that has helped to make me who I have become.
I want to go on a missions trip across the world someday.
Running is my life.
I've been told that I live under a rock.
I understand that promises can be broken in a split second.
I'm finally realizing that saying sorry doesn't always fix things.
I never give up on something I really want.
I mess up everything important to me. I guess that's just apart of the learning process.
I've learned that even your best friends will eventually let you down.
I'm strong, independent, and different.
Don't come into my life thinking you are going to run it or change it.
My name is Shannon,
And I want to see the world.
Written by Shannon at 3:24 PM
Somethings In Life Are Unforgetable.
Last year I posted a blog about how much my life has changed over the past few Easters. This year I plan to do it again, just not as lengthy.
This year I, once again, went to the Clifton Park campus for the 2 services. I wore a dressy shirt and jeans. Nothing elabrate like last years outfit. The first service was packed! The second was full too. Actually, not really... But there were more people than normally though! Ha. After church my mom, sister, and I went to Starbucks. I, of course, bought a Mocha Frappachino. It's heaven in liquid form with whipped cream. No lie.
Afterward, we went home and vegged for a few hours. Around 5, we ate our Turducken. It's Turkey, Duck, and Chicken... It mostly tasted like chicken, though. Then I went to the Wises to watch Star Wars... The Empire Strikes Back, I think it was called. But I really just wanted to see Ben. ;]
No rewinds, no second tries. Here's what has changed:
- I went to Lift Camp over the summer. It did change my life, but for better or worse? I have yet to answer that question myself. So much stuff happend after that week, it's debatable if it was even worth it.
- Yes, he and I did "break up" or however you would like to classify it. I'm over it. You should be too.
- Friends of mine are moving back to Canada. I'm sad about that. They're amazing, and he was my mentor, but the upside is that I get to go and visit them!
- I pretty much survived 9th grade. I was so nervous at the beginning of the year, it's almost [but not quite] funny to look back on. I've settled into a core group of friends, and I'm comfortable. But I still have 3 months left... Anything could happen.
- When I look back and read some of my blogs, I cringe. I truely hope my writing skills are better now.
- Last year, I was told that I was supposed to create my own student production team for Vertical/Nine12. Unfortunetly, that fell through after several events. I haven't thought about it since then. Now, pratically a year later, I've been asked to make one again. I have a little bit of mixed feelings about it, but I'm doing it anyway. It's kind of strange, though. I'm not nearly as nervous as I was last year.
- I've once again realized I have the most amazing friends. I've gained so many over the past year, I don't know where I would be without them.
Those are probably the biggest changes in my life, I guess. If I remember something, I'll put it up.
Written by Shannon at 2:34 PM
Lets Spend Tonight on Top of the World.
Tuesday/Wednesday- Remember that outline that I was supposed to write over the weekend? Well, I didn't really do it. I handed it in the next class after it was due, spending basically the entire night before on it. My teacher handed it back at the end of class, since we were watching To Kill a Mockingbird, and he said I would've gotten an "A" grade, if it was handed in on time. I got half credit. Oh well.
Thursday- I seriously almost cried in math. My math teacher... He's one of, if not the most sarcastic person I've ever met. But that's why I look forward to math now. Because he is so funny. He picks on like, 3 or 4 specific people each class. It's usually the people that are obnoxious, and that's what makes it enjoyable. But Thursday, a friend of mine and I were having problems with understanding the homework. She sits to my direct left, and we trade advice when we don't understand something or whatever. We asked for help, maybe 4 or 5 times. That's not really that bad. But each time he came over, he'd make some stupid ass comment.
Now, I can usually take criticism in slight blows in public, heavier in private, like a one-on-one type of thing. I've never been made fun of that bad in my life in a classroom. I can't explain it here, because I wouldn't be able to tell it right, but I know my face was hot with embarrassment. He laid off after that though, because I think he saw me wipe my eyes. (I didn't cry, there was just moisture... Just to clear that up. =P)
But the strange thing about this is, I was amused. This is why I think he's funny. He can be a complete jerk, don't get me wrong, but it's like... I don't know. It's kind of like what used to happen with a friend of mine, when he used to make fun of me. He used to (and still does) make me feel like a total retard at times, and a long time ago, he used to make me feel the same way my math teacher did... Haha, maybe I am just a retard. Oh well.
Thursday Night- Alicia & I met up with some peoples at Starbucks in Saratoga, for Cops and Robbers playing open-mic at Caffe Lena. (Sidenote- I LOVE Mocha Frappachinos.) We froze to death on our way to CVS to get batteries. It was like a mini tundra. I almost forgot the batteries at the counter too... So it would've made freezing to death pretty pointless. Ha. We walked to where they were playing, and they were unfortunetly one of the last people to pick when they wanted to play... So we stayed until the entire thing ended, which was like, 11:10 or sometime around then. They were pretty good. ;]
Alicia's step-dad was late, so Alicia and I were standing outside, freezing our butts off, until I started dancing/singing to my music to keep warm... haha. I bet she had fun. I cannot sing for anything. Oh well.
Friday/Saturday- Went to the Easter Service at Clifton Park, which went really well. There was no graphics person, so at times I was running and/or stretching to the computer from the video board, which wasn't so fun. But finally Sammy took over the board, while I did graphics. I have never run graphics at Clifton Park for an actual service before and it was pretty cool...
After the service ended, I went over to Carolines for Sarah's party... They stayed up until about 12 or 1, while I was on Carolines laptop for a few hours after that, talking to Paul over aim... Even though he was across the hall.
We spent the entire day just hanging out and such. We watched Enchanted, which we made fun of during the entire movie. It was hilarious.
After Sarah left, the Matula's and I went to the 6:30 service in Malta. I didn't stay, my mom picked me up. Once I got home, I passed out on my bed for a few hours... And I just woke up at 10. It's going to be a very long night for me. Oh well.

See more pictures...
I'm planning on putting up an Easter post sometime tomorrow or Monday. So look forward to it!
Written by Shannon at 11:57 PM
St. Patricks Day!
It was one of my longer days. The ones that seem to drag on, and it doesn't look like there is an end in sight. But that's a Monday for you, I suppose.
Today for track, we all wore green. To be festive, yes, but to get free ice cream at Stewart's as well. It was overall an easy workout (several laps around the track), and most of us ran about a mile to Stewart's afterwards. Once I got inside, I completely defrosted. It was so nice and warm in there. We were there for what seemed like 20 minutes waiting for a bowl of ice cream. Once we got it, the place was so packed that some of us decided to go outside and eat. So we went outside, and for some reason it was incredibly windy now and it seemed to have dropped 10 degrees. 20 degrees if you weren't standing in the sun. I'm pretty sure I froze my butt off. Holy crap it was so freaking cold on the way back. I was shivering the majority of the time until I got my blood circulating again. The ice cream was good, so it made the trip worth it, but I'm not entirely sure i'm going to run there next year...
Written by Shannon at 10:11 PM
I just got back from an interview from the job that I blogged about before. It went pretty well, I think. She's going to give me call... I'm excited! I hope I get it.
Tomorrow is church, then probably goin to Jon and Nic's for a little bit, if Nic doesn't go into labor by then. After that, I have to write an outline for English... Fun...
Written by Shannon at 8:01 PM
Pointless Late Night Rambling...
The whole Spitzer scandle is starting to bug me. It was going to catch up to him eventually. Idiot.
David Archuleta is pretty amazing. Even though he stumbled in the beginning of his song... Twice.
I had a dream a few days ago that I was on American Idol, on stage, right about to sing something... I took a calming breath, knowing and feeling confident. I hear Ryan Seacrest indruduce me in. The music starts playing, and all of a sudden my mind just goes completely blank. I stood there like a complete retard while the music played on... I don't remember anything else, but it couldnt have been anything good! Haha, talk about embarrassing. I wonder what they would do if something like that did ever occur on live television...
(Side Note: I cannot sing, at ALL. Just sayin.)
I need new music. Anyone heard anything good lately?
I'm left-brain oriented?
I'm reading To Kill A Mocking Bird, (for english) and its not as horrible as some people said it was. Of course, the majority of people that said it was extremely boring are people that don't like to read. Which, I don't understand at all. How do people not like to read???
Mary's boyfriend (aka: Kayla's cousin) is coming to school on Friday!!! Just thought I would mention that, since they read this blog. Heh. ;]
Written by Shannon at 10:25 PM
The Unknown Continues Biding Time.
Choices? Opinions? Yea, I can't seem to make any lately. Ask me about what I think about the politians, and I'll tell you. Ask why, and you won't get too much from me. Ask me what I want to do when I graduate from high school, and the automatic answer is college. What for? I've been turning over some ideas in my head, but I haven't taken any of it as what I actually want to do. It's really starting to bug me. A lot!
Here's some I've been thinking about:
Photography- Of course, right? I love taking pictures and trying to get a good angle and all that other fun stuff. But the thing is, I know people my age that like photography that are so good. Plus, I really kind of need a better camera. & A newer version of photoshop wouldn't hurt either...
Weather- Have you ever watched storm chasers on the weather channel or have seen the movie, The Day After Tomorrow? It absolutely fascinates me! It's just like, wow. Of course, I'm not really a big fan of science, but I think I would enjoy it... Maybe. Plus it ties into the photography too.
Missions work- Yes, I know its expensive but it seems incredibly worth it. I know people that are in (or going to go to) places around the world, and I wish I was with one of them now, or when they go...
Criminology- It's one of my newer idea's. I came up with this from watching CSI. I watch all the CSI's, and I've already figured out that it's much different in real life than on a set... But it still seems pretty cool.
Meh, just some idea's I guess. I'm not sure at all about any of these. Ugh, I wish I could just know. I'm jealous of those that knew early what they wanted to do.
Written by Shannon at 6:16 PM
It's Like We're Running Crazy 8's Around The Track...
I'm sore from the stomach, down. I started Outdoor Track, and I guess this is what I get for not running for a month, and probably from walking to school on Thursday. Yep, it was my first time walking to school, and thank God it was a nice day...
I was struggling to walk up the icy driveway to the road and I was, give or take, 5 feet from the road, at 6:55 with my sister a few feet behind me. Now, my bus driver is the nicest old man you'll ever meet. He'll actually stop (not slow down a little and then keep going) for you, and wait if he see's you coming. Even on Route 50! So I was shocked when he blazed past us... I assumed it was a sub. Since it's illegal to cross 50, we made our way back to the house to tell our mother the unfortunate news. She said what she always says when we miss the bus, "Well you should've gotten out there earlier..." But I wasn't expecting the, "I'm not bringing you to school. You can walk or stay home."
Seriously, I've only missed the bus once this entire year. That's something a parent says after 4 days in a row of missed busses. She actually had this super important meeting she had to go to... But still. So after going through my limited options of staying home with a sister I can barely stand and watching CSI for the next 6 hours, I chose to walk. I knew fully well that I would get a few weird looks, and that I'd be walking at least 2 miles. In all honesty, I didn't really care. It's better than staying home all day, and I would've missed square dancing!! ;]
Besides a few blisters on my right foot, and my butt being sore, (I slipped on some ice... No one was around, thankfully) I lived.
The ironic part of this story is that my bus driver actually saw that we were there and turned around and went back to pick us up...
This weekend I'm mostly cleaning my room, which I am in desperate need of doing...
Unless, of course, I go to the hospital. I doubt I'd be able to go anyway, but I can hope.
Written by Shannon at 10:59 PM
Just Because...
I haven't done this in awhile, I feel like updating...
My top 5 favorite bands. (For right now):
- Mae
- Secondhand Serenade
- Kill Paradise
- Making April
- MuteMath
Written by Shannon at 4:13 PM
New Pics From Last Night
Check out more pictures from last night...
Written by Shannon at 9:19 PM
I'm Back!
On myspace, that is.
But I sure haven't missed this (It's already happened 5 times!!!):
Sorry! an unexpected error has occurred. This error has been forwarded to MySpace's technical group.
Written by Shannon at 4:53 PM