
My response to a blog that was posted about me.

Dear James,

I didn't tell you to get over it, I told you to Grow up, in those exact words.

Also, way to go and not mention any "names." Kinda defeats the whole purpose if you have a link.

You said you were fine with it last night until you got people to back you up. Seriously. What the heck. I can hold my own, and you don't see me complaining about people making fun of me. Well, except maybe for Paul, but that's a different story.

You wanted an explanation as well.

You treat me like crap, you don't even know it. Then if you do, you don't care. I understand how teenage guys can be, but what you were doing was pushing it. I told you to back off, but you didn't. Then I say something in a blog, and you go and play it off like you're the pathetic victim. Like I said before, grow up, and also shut up.
Shut up about the whole, "I thought you were my friends" thing.

I'm still your friend, whether you know it or not. We're gonna go through a lot of crap for you not to be one of my friends anymore.



michel said...

you no what no i wasnt fine with it and you did tell me to get over it. you always treat me like crap and no im not gonna shut up about it. you dont say something about someone and expect them to be cool about it. and why single me out. im not the only guy that writes it. jon writes it why dont you call him a pansy in your blog not just me. thats one of the things that ticked me off the most

Jon Wise said...

guys, cut it out

|PAULINC.| said...

You know I have always considered buying a tape recorder just to wear and prove people wrong about how they say they say things when they say other things. Ex. Numero Uno- Shannon saying get over it to James then post a blog saying she didn't... Akward.