
In Suspension.

Just a few updates:

  • It's 4th quarter! Finally. Now only less than 8 weeks of school left until the summer. It's weird how time goes by quickly... But now it gets harder. This week has been the roughest, as far as tests, projects, and homework goes. It's like they plan to have it all due on the SAME DAY. Thursday. Not quite the end of the week, but far enough into it so that we can't slack off until Friday. Or you have to turn in everything 2 days earlier if you're leaving to go to Myrtle or something. Oh, and we get our report cards tomorrow during homeroom. Hopefully I did better this quarter.

  • I finally got a watch! It's kind of a big deal, because I've needed one since forever for track. It's pink and I love it. I'll be wearing it all the time now.

  • I'm BEYOND ready for vacation to start!

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