
I Need You.

Have I said that third quarter was the worst? Silly me. For the record, it's fourth quarter. It's not even May and I'm stressed out about grades. I've acknowledged the fact that it is absolutely and completely ridiculous to be stressing, but I still am. I've been listening to Take My Hand by Shawn McDonald for a little while, but it's not quite helping.

Today, after three weeks, I went to the doctors to finally get the cyst in my left hand checked out, and apparently it's on or underneath a tendon. Weird. I have to go to a specialist to see if I need to get surgery. I do NOT want surgery for a few reasons: I take keyboarding... So what would I do for 80 minutes? Write out what everyone else is typing? I don't think so. Plus I do this little hobby of mine, and if I got surgery the time I spend on the computer would be seriously hindered. I've never had surgery. I've never even had to go to the hospital. Ever. So I'm kind of freaked out about it.

Tomorrow I have to present my research paper in "commercial" form via PowerPoint for English. I really hate oral presentations. Way too much unnecessary anxiety for me. Having to get up in front of my class is a big enough of a challenge, but then I wonder if I'm reading too fast, or not fast enough, or if I look and/or sound like a complete retard... Public speaking is not one of my few fortés... Hopefully it goes better than what I'm expecting.

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