The whole missions trip thing isn't probably going to work out this year, but I'm definitely going to go next year. There was some miscommunication, so I'm kind of disappointed. Weird thing is that I'm still excited and I don't understand why.
I'm grounded for not doing dishes on Monday. Not fun.
Anyway, two friends of mine created blogs today. Another is going to make one soon pretty soon. I think it's awesome! They said I was their inspiration. They've been reading my blog for a little while, and so they decided to blog now. I love it. You guys should comment once in awhile. ;]
I was looking through digg, and this caught my eye. 21 Ways to Shoot Better Photographs.
Maybe Not This Year...
Written by Shannon at 7:44 PM
If you never try, You'll never know.
As most of you know, I serve a fair amount. I serve on a weekly basis for my church. The occasional Saturday then every Sunday for services in the morning and for my youth group in the afternoon. I've helped out with Nine12/United serves, whenever that's scheduled, I'll do it. But not only that, I really love to serve. Production never gets boring for me, and I just like to help out where ever I'm needed.
That's why I was really bummed when I found out that my church isn't going on a mission trip this year. I was told that we might go somewhere in the Adirondacks, to help clean around the area or whatever, but I guess that never worked out. But now I really really want to go.
I've had this burning feeling in my heart, and I'm pretty sure it's not by coincidence. Yesterday I spend the majority of the day looking at oppurtunities to go on mission trips, and all of them are either past the deadline for entries, or they conflict with my other plans over the summer.
Except one. I don't want to go into too much detail, especially since I haven't even talked to my parents about it, and I shouldn't get my hopes too high... But I'm crazy excited!!!!!
Keep ya posted. =]
Written by Shannon at 8:54 PM
Oh, By The Way, You're Under Arrest.
The past few days have not been too terribly eventful... The most interesting thing is that I video directed in Malta this evening, which I haven't done in a year. It was intimidating at first, but it all came back pretty quickly. =]
Earlier I found this though. I thought it was pretty entertaining.
Tomorrow I'm going to see Prom Night. I'm the biggest pansy when it comes to scary movies. I bet I'll have nightmares for the next week... But for now, I'm going to snuggle in my blankets, get some ice cream, and watch Cops with the fam.
Written by Shannon at 8:48 PM
I Wish I Was Going To Disney...
I just noticed... My last post was my 100th post! Pretty cool, right? It's pretty simple math if you look over at my archives and add the numbers up, if you don't believe me.
But anyways... My PowerPoint went pretty good. I'm usually more nervous about presentations than I normally should be. Tomorrow I have a Unit Test in Global. Half hour of questions, then the rest is a gigantic thematic essay. After that I'm going on a field trip to a Planetarium for science.
A bunch of my friends are going to Florida with our school over the next several days. They are in chorus or they play an instrument. I'm kind of jealous.
I have the worst headache. I'll blog tomorrow...
Written by Shannon at 9:12 PM
I Need You.
Have I said that third quarter was the worst? Silly me. For the record, it's fourth quarter. It's not even May and I'm stressed out about grades. I've acknowledged the fact that it is absolutely and completely ridiculous to be stressing, but I still am. I've been listening to Take My Hand by Shawn McDonald for a little while, but it's not quite helping.
Today, after three weeks, I went to the doctors to finally get the cyst in my left hand checked out, and apparently it's on or underneath a tendon. Weird. I have to go to a specialist to see if I need to get surgery. I do NOT want surgery for a few reasons: I take keyboarding... So what would I do for 80 minutes? Write out what everyone else is typing? I don't think so. Plus I do this little hobby of mine, and if I got surgery the time I spend on the computer would be seriously hindered. I've never had surgery. I've never even had to go to the hospital. Ever. So I'm kind of freaked out about it.
Tomorrow I have to present my research paper in "commercial" form via PowerPoint for English. I really hate oral presentations. Way too much unnecessary anxiety for me. Having to get up in front of my class is a big enough of a challenge, but then I wonder if I'm reading too fast, or not fast enough, or if I look and/or sound like a complete retard... Public speaking is not one of my few fortés... Hopefully it goes better than what I'm expecting.
Written by Shannon at 9:56 PM
That's What HE Said.
This past Sunday I...
- Was smacked in the face while Dave and Will Bush decided to do chest bumps in order to get pumped up for the services. I somehow knew that that was going to happen. I was trying to get out of their way with Sue, to let the boys do their testosterone thing. Obviously that didn't work. I sucked it up until I started crying in the bathroom with a friend of mine that saw me in the hallway on the verge of tears. My nose didn't bleed, but it felt like it would. It still hurts.
- Watched one of my camera people pass out. Second scariest thing that I've ever witnessed. (First was Jon putting his arm through a window.) I was actually watching him about five seconds before, wondering why he wasn't fixing his head room... I, naturally, started crying while no one else was. I think every single one of my emotions are hardwired into my tear ducts. Then I look like Rudolph, because my nose gets all red. Very attractive.
- Went to Saratoga with several friends after church. We pretty much just walked around and did nothing except... Well, walk. We went to Starbucks (Mocha Frappuccino <3), probably walked the main strip three times, went around and through Congress Park, hit Wendys twice, went to CVS and Friendly's in an emergency, Ben & Jerry's was nice and cool inside while Caroline and I bought Alicia ice cream for her birthday, and we sat on the ledge of a two story parking garage... It was awesome!
- Served for VIP Night at the Malta campus. We got there at five, and ate a lot of food. Actually, I did. But it was all out there in the open and waiting to be eaten. I ate a lot of healthy foods, and mingled with some adults that I knew. It's sad how I barely know anyone now. I still know a bunch of people, but there are so many more volunteers now. =P I ran graphics for worship, then I helped at Kidzway with pretty much everyone that went to Saratoga plus James and lil Jon. I had a blast, and the little kids are so cute!!
Today was not that good of a day. Brinking on absolutely horrible. I'm going to go and get some sleep...

Written by Shannon at 9:45 PM
Just Another Day.
Today I did a whole bunch of cleaning for my mom. It was beautiful out, so all of the windows were open. I love it when it's nice out, it makes my day five times better. After that I went tanning for a little while outside. (I don't think I'm ever going to go tanning in a booth.) Then I slept for a good 3 hours. I'm going to miss my afternoon naps when I go back to school, to be completely honest. They are very nice to say the least. At around 6:45 my mom and I left to go to Wilton to go shopping. What is normally a 25 minute drive became practically a 45 minute drive because she missed the exit we were supposed to get off at. She was in the middle of a story, and she never pays attention to where she's going when she's talking. Unfortunetly, it felt like 20 minutes to the next exit and back. It was funny for me, but my mom was really pissed. Shopping was fun though, so it was okay. ;]
Tomorrow I'm going to church at 8 a.m. (ridiculous), then after I'm getting a ride to Saratoga to hangout with a group of friends for the rest of the day. VIP Night is at 6, so I will be going to that as well. I doubt I'll be able to blog tomorrow, so that's roughly my day.
School on Monday... Not quite looking forward to that...
Written by Shannon at 11:14 PM
Skillet/TFK/Decyfer Down Concert
These pictures are the best of the night. To see all of them, go to my Flickr.

Written by Shannon at 10:52 AM
No Ordinary High
Sometime early last year I took a self assessment to try and figure out what my Spiritual Gifts were. This morning I re-took it out of curiosity to see if anything has changed.
This is my top 5:
- Service
- Exhortation
- Faith
- Administration/Mercy
- Pastoring (Shepherding)
Unfortunately, I can't find where I put last years, so I kind of have to go by my memory.
I know that Faith, Mercy, Pastoring weren't there. They replaced Evangelism and Leadership. But I also know that Exhortation, Service and Administration have stayed, but Service wasn't up so high, and Exhortation has stayed the same.
I'll put up last years if I ever find it...
Written by Shannon at 11:33 AM
My Everything.
At Lift Camp over the summer last year, actors preformed a skit very much like this. It was great! It made me cry. This video reminds me of it, so much... Also, I really like the song they picked for it.
Written by Shannon at 12:01 PM
Just Words...
I hope he doesn't mind me putting part of our conversation up here, but this has made my entire week so far. It's something I never want to forget. I smiled for the longest time afterwards too.
This happened earlier on AIM.
*: You should be getting compliments daily ShanShan
*: You truly are a pretty girl
*: I read you as a pretty independent Individual who just loves to have fun
*: Not afraid to be herself
*: Shyyy
*: Cute personality
*: Deffinitely fun to be around, talk to, and hang out with
*: Hugs are amazingg
*: "The Face that's meant to smile"
*: Addicting is a great word because I find myself wanting to hangout with you
*: more and more, each time I think about it
*: I'm also curious to how you are solo, away from a group
*: You also seem like the kind of person where everday is different
*: how the next day will be a mystery
*: because no one ever knows what ShanShan will do nextt
*: You're sense of humor, smile, personality, and shy nature make you easily one of the cutest girls everr
*: ontop of that you're pure, with morals
*: In this day and age
*: such perfection is really hard to come across
*: and before you can argue perfection, understand that to me; you are more than an amazing person
*: I'm luckyy to have met you because I feel like a bit of who you are will rub off on me and last with me till I die
*: You're the kind of person I never want to forget
*: that's why I love my friend Shannon
*: [you can talk nowww haha]
Xcountryrunnr72: I love how you can get this much from me and we've only hung out like, 3 times.
Regardless! You've made me practically cry. thats the most amazing thing anyones ever said about me. ahaha.
*: the most amazing thing
*: is
*: It's all true
*: I did say you were such a mystery
*: and that's another reason.. only 3 days
*: and I felt such things radiate from you
*: imagine what weeks
*: months
*: and hopefully years will do.
Written by Shannon at 10:44 PM
Daughters by John Mayer
I know a girl
She puts the color inside of my world
But she's just like a maze
Where all of the walls all continually change
And I've done all I can
To stand on her steps with my heart in my hands
Now I'm starting to see
Maybe it's got nothing to do with me
Fathers, be good to your daughters
Daughters will love like you do
Girls become lovers who turn into mothers
So mothers, be good to your daughters too
Oh, you see that skin?
It's the same she's been standing in
Since the day she saw him walking away
Now she's left
Cleaning up the mess he made
So fathers, be good to your daughters
Daughters will love like you do
Girls become lovers who turn into mothers
So mothers, be good to your daughters too
Boys, you can break
You'll find out how much they can take
Boys will be strong
And boys soldier on
But boys would be gone without the warmth from
A womans good, good heart
On behalf of every man
Looking out for every girl
You are the god and the weight of her world
So fathers, be good to your daughters
Daughters will love like you do
Girls become lovers who turn into mothers
So mothers, be good to your daughters too
Written by Shannon at 11:23 AM
No Sleep.
It's finally break! Too bad I'm completely exhausted... I got like, no sleep at all this entire week. I'm not going to get any tonight either.
We got report cards today! I have an 87 overall average. I went up in all my classes, except math... But only down two points. So I guess it's not that bad.
Tonight I'm heading over to Carolines house to have breakfast for dinner with a bunch of people, then afterwards we're going to another friend's birthday party in Saratoga until around 12. I probably won't sleep for a few hours after that anyway. Like I said, no sleep. Saturday I'm chillin with Caroline all day, and probably going to church in the afternoon. Sunday is church, then youth group in the afternoon.
Monday and Tuesday is nothing. Hopefully some well needed sleep.
Wednesday I'm spending the day with the Wises.
Thursday is the Skillet and Thousand Foot Krutch concert. I'm bringing a friend of mine for her birthday. I can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!
Friday I'm hanging out with friends for most of the day.
That was a rough picture of what I'm doing this coming week. Not extremely busy, but it's decent. =]
Oh yeah, and I have practice from 9-10:30 a.m. everyday. We have to keep a log of every workout we do over break. It's going to be fun!
Written by Shannon at 4:11 PM
In Suspension.
Just a few updates:
- It's 4th quarter! Finally. Now only less than 8 weeks of school left until the summer. It's weird how time goes by quickly... But now it gets harder. This week has been the roughest, as far as tests, projects, and homework goes. It's like they plan to have it all due on the SAME DAY. Thursday. Not quite the end of the week, but far enough into it so that we can't slack off until Friday. Or you have to turn in everything 2 days earlier if you're leaving to go to Myrtle or something. Oh, and we get our report cards tomorrow during homeroom. Hopefully I did better this quarter.
- I finally got a watch! It's kind of a big deal, because I've needed one since forever for track. It's pink and I love it. I'll be wearing it all the time now.
- I'm BEYOND ready for vacation to start!
Written by Shannon at 8:54 PM
When Angels & Serpents Dance.
I got back from a meet @ Mohonasen at around 8:30ish. I ran a 4x400m relay, and an 800m. I got 4th, out of like 20 distance runners, with 2:47 in the 800m. My coach told me to get below 2:50, since I don't normally run 800's, so I think I did pretty good. 1st in the relay, but I don't know the time.
(Update: I got 72 for the relay. 3 seconds off my best time. I'm slightly annoyed about that.)
I also got a 98 on the 30 week math test. I'm extremely happy about that. Report cards come out on Friday... More details later.
P.O.D. came out with a new album yesterday. I like it so far...
I took this picture earlier at the track. I thought it was pretty!
Written by Shannon at 9:54 PM
My Favorite.
My old Rugby coach is one of the funniest guys I know. He has a whole bunch of quotes similar to this plastered all around his room. (See above the door, and also through the window, upper right.) This one is my favorite.
Written by Shannon at 7:40 PM
So, I'm watching the Terminator 2. I should probably go to bed sometime soon. I have a meet tomorrow, the first meet, in Colonie I think. I'm packing a bunch of food, so that I don't starve before I get home, which won't be until around like, 7. I'm running the 4x400m and 4x100m relays. I was just going to run a regular 400m and a 200m, but my coach changed it today. I'm not really looking forward to the 4x100, since I'm better at longer races... But it should be fun. Speaking of track, yesterday it was in the 60's! It was so nice to run in for once without spandex and a sweatshirt and a hoodie, you have no idea.
I missed American idol tonight. I was so bummed that I missed it. I hope David did well!
Oh yeah, I have this cyst thing on the palm of my left hand. Kind of below my ring finger. If you flipped my hand over, it would inbetween my middle and ring finger knuckles. I noticed it this morning, and I thought it was just like a vein or something, so I didn't think too much of it. (It's not huge, by the way. It's tiny, and you can only notice it if you feel it, or if you look hard enough.) I decided to go to the nurse after lunch, during science after some convincing that this wasn't completely normal. She said it was probably a ganglion cyst. Then she said if it doesn't go away in a week, I should get it checked out by my doctor.
It's SO weird to feel. It's spongy, but firm and it doesn't move. Gross!!!
Well there's about 30 minutes left of the movie, with 15 minutes of it being commercials. Why are commercials so long? Most of them are stupid, loud, and annoying anyway...
Written by Shannon at 10:35 PM