
Track Meet @ RPI

Sunday I had to wake up at an unheard of 6a.m. to go to a meet at RPI, that lasted a very long 6 hours. I ran a 300m, 600m, & a 4 by 4 that I was dragged into last minute. I don't know what my times are yet, but hopefully they're decent!
From left to right in the top picture: Katie, Jessie, Sky, Christine & me. They're pretty much awesome. This was during the guys 4 by 4, the very last race of the meet.
I saw Paul a couple times too!
The bottom picture: Kayla & I flexing. ;]

Today, I'm planning on sleeping in until like, 10:30 or whenever. I don't have anything to do all day, so make plans with me!
Tuesday I have to make up a swimming gym class because I missed one last week. I'm not really looking forward to it. Gah.

Oh, I also changed the template of the blog. The other one was kind of old - and there aren't very many to choose from - so I hope you like it! I want to try to eventually get this off of blogspot, but first I want to prove to myself that I can blog faithfully for over six months to even begin to even think about it.

1 comment:

michel said...

haha you had to get up at 6. not as bad as wrestling. 4:30 at school to leave for a tournament 4 1/2 hrs. away.

btw - thanks for the people visting my blog from yours. 9 hits =p