Today I had a really good day. It's nice when things click and when a day goes smoothly for once.
Especially when you recieve a few special surprises.
Just a good day.
Written by Shannon at 3:16 PM
Blogging from my iPod.
I finally figured out how to blog from my iPod touch! It took me a week, but it was so worth it.
My parents decided to get verizon online, which I'm not compaining about, because with aol I wasn't able to use the Internet on this. The only downfall is that they also got parental controls. I cannot go anywhere without their password, and that means they know everwhere and everything I'm going/doing. Now, I have nothing to hide, but I would like a little bit of privacy.
In other news, today I had to go back to school and it wasn't as horrible as I thought it was going to be, except for 4th block. That was as horrible as I expected it to be. Today was the start of second semester, and I only had one small schedule change, compared to what most people I know had. I now have ais math. Oh Joy. I had it three years ago and it did nothing for me, so what makes them think its going to miraculously bring my grade up from an 80 to a 95 now? It's pretty stupid and a huge waste of my time, if you ask me. I've already talked to my guidence counslor about this a few weeks ago, but I think he just doesn't want to go through the hassle of changing my schedule. Even if he does pull me out of ais, I'm still screwed with another study hall because it's too late to put me into anything useful...
Yeah, fun stuff.
On a lighter note, I'm trying to get a bunch of people to go and hang out at the mall and maybe see a movie on Friday @ Wilton. If you want to hang out, call me and we can meet up. =]
(Update: Why the date says January 22 is beyond me... I actually posted this on the 28th.)
Written by Shannon at 5:58 PM
Track Meet @ RPI
Sunday I had to wake up at an unheard of 6a.m. to go to a meet at RPI, that lasted a very long 6 hours. I ran a 300m, 600m, & a 4 by 4 that I was dragged into last minute. I don't know what my times are yet, but hopefully they're decent!
From left to right in the top picture: Katie, Jessie, Sky, Christine & me. They're pretty much awesome. This was during the guys 4 by 4, the very last race of the meet.
I saw Paul a couple times too!
The bottom picture: Kayla & I flexing. ;]
Today, I'm planning on sleeping in until like, 10:30 or whenever. I don't have anything to do all day, so make plans with me!
Tuesday I have to make up a swimming gym class because I missed one last week. I'm not really looking forward to it. Gah.
Oh, I also changed the template of the blog. The other one was kind of old - and there aren't very many to choose from - so I hope you like it! I want to try to eventually get this off of blogspot, but first I want to prove to myself that I can blog faithfully for over six months to even begin to even think about it.
Written by Shannon at 11:20 PM
Church Hopping
Tests are over, for me anyway, and I now have an entire week off. I'm happy, because now I can catch up on sleep again...
Okay, so there is this little prayer group called "Spartans for Christ" that meets every Monday in Mr. Mody's room. I've been apart of this group for a few months now, and I really like the people that are apart of it. It started sometime in mid-October, and once I heard about it, I started going I think after only a few weeks. It's inexpressibly nice to know that there are other Christians that have my back.
We've done a few projects within the school, but we've been limited to a few things because we need around a good solid 20 people to start coming regularly. Right now there is only about 11 or 12 or so, which is pretty decent. One of the projects we're thinking about doing is going to each others youth group, or church hopping. I really like this idea for two reasons:
1. I would love to see other youth groups. I haven't been to another in several years.
2. Northway is above and beyond traditional churches, and I love bringing people (and seeing their expressions.) No matter how much I may disagree with a few things, it's been my home for 3 and a half years.
So I can't wait till we actually carry out this little project, and I can't wait for more to come!
Written by Shannon at 4:30 PM
Mid-Terms & "Pre-Regents"
Yep. We're halfway through the year, and how do they reward us? Tests!
Figures, right?
Here's my schedule for the rest of the week:
2nd Block: Huge Global Test... Besides that, a Normal Day.
1st Block: English Mid-Term (Easyyy)
2nd Block: Global again (No test though)
3rd Block: Gym (Swimming for over an hour. Yeah baby.)
1st Block: French Mid-Term (Cake)
2nd Block: Keyboarding Mid-Term (Ridiculous, I think)
3rd Block: Science "Regents" (GAH) It's not counting as a "Regent Exam", but it's a test that my teacher made, and it's in the style like a regents exam. She calls it "Pre-Regents". Still kind of intimidating.
Friday: (Half Day)
1st Block: Math
2nd Block: Study Hall (Gay, I'm trying to switch that class for Art 2D or something. Anything could be better than wasting your time and credits in an 100 minute Study Hall)
All those classes are about 100 minutes long.
Blocks are pretty much the order my classes are in. It should be self explanatory.
My science teacher gave me this site to prep for the "regents", and I guess it's alright.
In other news, last night was United, and it was quite fun. I had a blast. =]
Written by Shannon at 9:34 PM
Music & Other Subject Matters.
Since I've gotten a new iPod, I've been listening to pretty much the same stuff I listened to last year.
Anberlin, FF5, Angels & Airwaves, Cartel, TFK, Kutless, Flyleaf and the list goes on.
They all aren't the same songs. New albums have come out, or I just discovered they have older ones that I didn't know about. But the majority of my songs are rock/alternative with a little bit of pop randomly mixed within.
I've found good artists like Graham Colton, and Landon Pigg. But both kind of edge toward the softer side of the Pop genre. (Actually, Falling in Love at a Coffee Shop by Landon Pigg is so mellow, I actually fall asleep listening to it. It used to be the Symphony of Blase by Anberlin that put me to sleep.) I'm kind of picky in what I listen to. It can't be screamo, metal, or anything that I can't understand, or anything too vulgar or explicit like most rap. I like some r&b or whatever, but I've yet to find anyone besides Rihanna that I like. I have yet to find out what SKA is all about.
I, obviously, like rock/alternative.
Still, I've been buying my songs this year. I haven't used Caroline's or Jon's music, and comparatively, I'm seriously lacking in the variety of my music. I can't even remember half of the artists I had last time. Except some bands that are a far cry from today's music, like Rage of the Machine, or Stryper. Regardless, I still owe them for the bands I know and listen to today. Plus my dad (and a few others), because he's the one that got me listening to Linkin Park. I probably wouldn't be listening to rock if it wasn't for him.
So if anyone has any new music they'd like to share with me, that would be appreciated.
On another note, this coming week is Mid-Terms/Regents for me, so I'll probably be studying whenever I can get the time in, or doing anything I can so that I can pass Science, and get higher than an 80 this quarter in Math.
I'm kind of stressed.
Written by Shannon at 9:45 PM
Has it seriously been since MAY since I've last posted?
Holy crap.
I guess I have some catching up to do, huh?
Since I cannot possibly blog about my life since May{?!}, I'm just going to start with the biggest event of the day...
Today was our first day in gym that we were supposed to go swimming. Me and the rest of my class being freshman, we've never swam for gym before, and everyone knows how clean our school pool is. Not. I have gym 3rd block, which is right after my lunch, but almost at the end of the day. I feel horrible for anyone that has gym 1st block.
But all I can say is, that it was really, really, really cold, and anyone that can swim for a sport, I give kudos to.
I also played with my iTouch toward the end of 4th block, and I found out something that I'm not at liberty to say here, but I probably could of lived my whole life without knowing. My curiosity always gets the best of me.
I don't think I'm going to be able to post everyday, because of track, but I'll try when I get the time...
Written by Shannon at 6:17 PM