It's funny. I never realized how much I used my cellphone before today.
It died last night, and my sister took the charger to her friends house. (We only have one, because she broke the other one... SO now she uses my charger.) Of course, today is one of those days where I want to make plans for the weekend.
I reached for my cellphone this morning... Behold! It was still dead. So I'm stuck waiting until she gets back. Now I have this stupid anxiety feeling in my stomach.
I could strangle her.
Don't Say That It's Over.
Written by Shannon at 10:19 AM
I wish I could say I'm actually spending my first few days of summer having fun, hanging out with friends, and being a teenager that is jobless and broke... But that isn't quite the case.
I've been stuck home, doing chores, and reading for lack of anything better to do. This is not by choice, mind you. The super glue on my glasses finally gave up 2 days ago, and I haven't really felt like going outside and doing stuff half blind. I can't watch tv, or be online for long periods of time without getting a headache. Okay, so it is my choice to stay home partially, but it still doesn't mean I'm having a blast rotting at home...
At least this is only temporary. I can't wait for July.
Written by Shannon at 12:52 PM
I had the best weekend.
- Friday I went to Borders & Fridays with my mom. I finally bought some much needed books, and a few other things. It was nice.
- Saturday I finally mailed my passport. Note the finally part. I should get it in 2-3 weeks... Hopefully more around the 2 week point. (crossing fingers.) I'm happy though, that I sent it. I've been so stressed, and you know what happens when I do? I get zits and other unholy bumps on my face. Unfair!
The rest of my day was spent with friends at the Great Escape for Glory day. I had so much fun.
I Tanned. Got soaked in the lazy river. Competed who could keep their hands up in the air the longest on the Pirate Ship. Glasses breaking in the line for the Pirate Ship... Wedgies!!! =P Walmart for super glue and deodorant. Subway. Competed who could keep their hands up in the air the longest on the Comet. A lot of walking and pictures. Finally the Sky Coaster! Had to practically beg Carolines mom, but it was so worth it!
When we left, we sang to a bunch of songs and stopped by A&W. Best root beer ever! - Sunday was the Malta Celebration. The very last service in the Shops of Malta! (And my first Sunday service in over a year and a half!) Its sad to think about. I've spent the past 4 years there, and I have so memories. It was fun to reminisce with Caroline and Katie.
After the service, the church held a huge picnic out on the new property. It didn't rain at ALL! How awesome is that? It was fun to hang out with everyone and watch the baptisms.
Today isn't going to be eventfull. Hopefully I can get my glasses properly fixed, so it doesn't look like I'm lopsided.
I have a few pictures on my Flickr. Check them out. =]
Written by Shannon at 12:40 AM
Isn't it annoying when you can't find anything to wear? Especially when the top you were going to wear is MISSING. I ponder who took it.
I'm laying in bed trying to come up with an outfit. I plan outfits according to how important the day is. Ask Caroline. She knows. I've had this planned out for days, laying on my bed. Yes, I know some of you just pick out stuff according to your mood, or whatever, but it's just not how I do things. Unbelievable, really. She better have a good reason for taking it... (No. Probably not.)
This was a really stupid idea.
Written by Shannon at 8:46 AM
Just a picture I snapped earlier. The clouds were amazing. It looks creamy, doesn't it? I kind of wish the lamp posts and the buildings weren't there. =P
Written by Shannon at 11:09 PM
I just bought the new Coldplay Album, Viva la Vida. Wholeheartedly telling you to buy it. (Or whatever it is you do.) It's amazing.
Tomorrow I'm going to the Great Escape for Glory Day with a bunch of my friends. It's going to be a blast. It's become a tradition of sorts for us to go, and I can't wait!!!
Oh yeah,
Written by Shannon at 10:05 PM
Can't WAIT.
I love the Twilight series. They are easily the best books I've read. A few months from now, the 4th and final book Breaking Dawn is coming out on August 2nd. (Two days before my birthday.) The series is SO good, since all of the books have been #1 best sellers, they're making a movie of Twilight coming out in December. The teaser is... Interesting. I hope they don't screw it up!
Written by Shannon at 3:33 PM
Romance Languages.
As of now, I'm the biggest retard ever. I was having this conversation with a friend of mine, and supposedly Italian is not only a nationality, but a language?
********* (9:10:48 PM): except in italy
shanshann72 (9:11:36 PM): haha. are you going to live in italy?
********* (9:11:44 PM): lol
********* (9:11:54 PM): only if they all start speaking english
shanshann72 (9:12:09 PM): they don't speak english?
********* (9:12:14 PM): lol
shanshann72 (9:12:25 PM): ...
shanshann72 (9:12:28 PM): what do they speak?
********* (9:12:32 PM): italian
shanshann72 (9:12:46 PM): isnt that practically english? but with an accent or something?
********* (9:12:52 PM): haha
********* (9:13:02 PM): yeah, close enough, i guess
shanshann72 (9:13:24 PM): so do they speak english or not.
shanshann72 (9:13:24 PM): lol
********* (9:13:35 PM): that would be a no : )
shanshann72 (9:13:42 PM): im confused.
********* (9:14:42 PM): italian is not english at all... its more like spanish, i think
shanshann72 (9:16:33 PM): i always thought it was just a nationality
shanshann72 (9:16:37 PM): hahahaa
********* (9:16:44 PM): lol
********* (9:16:59 PM): i guess thats what a freshman education gives you
shanshann72 (9:17:20 PM): or a sheltered life.
shanshann72 (9:17:26 PM): VERY sheltered.
********* (9:17:28 PM): either way
********* (9:17:42 PM): and your not sheltered, I'M sheltered
********* (9:17:55 PM): atleast you have facebook
shanshann72 (9:18:36 PM): I've never watched a star wars movie until like, last year.
********* (9:18:57 PM): wow... i think i have episode 2 memorized
********* (9:21:35 PM): marathoning the extended edition lord of the rings movies is a fun time
shanshann72 (9:21:45 PM): haa
shanshann72 (9:21:46 PM): i bet
********* (9:22:00 PM): 10 hours straight of pure amazingness
********* (9:23:42 PM): not that im a nerd or anything
shanshann72 (9:23:46 PM): of course not.
I also have the coolest friends. Ever. =D
Written by Shannon at 9:30 PM
I'm fairly nervous. I don't like finals. Or regents. I don't like either.
But on the bright side, regular classes are now over TODAY! Too bad finals start tomorrow.
Three 100 minute classes Thursday:
- English
- Global
- Gym
Three 100 minute classes Friday:
- French
- Keyboarding
- Earth Science
Two 100 minute classes Monday:
- Math
My classes are nicely spaced, I think. Of course, I don't have finals in math and science. Just review because the regents are next Tuesday morning and Friday afternoon...
But I'm still nervous that I'll fail the regents and have to take the classes over again with Sweaty Armpits & Shepshep. *Cringes*
Written by Shannon at 4:35 PM
I Like Food.
The 30 Hour Famine was awesome! I had a great time. Except for the whole being hungry part. Living for Later played, and we mostly just hung out Friday. The majority stayed up till about 2:20-4:00 supposedly but I think that's wrong. Nobody really knows. We played catchphrase and we were hanging out in the sanctuary talking, while all of the adults except Mr. Straight went to bed at around 10.
Saturday we woke up at 8:30. That sucked. A hand full of us signed up to go to the City Mission to help. We had three options to choose from. It was either City Mission, Samuel's to paint, or staying at the church to clean. When we got there, it was incredibly hot and humid. We had to sign a waver, I think. I don't know why. Then we split up into two groups, and the group I was in had to do yard work and mulch. It wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be... I had pictured myself knee deep in mulch with flip flops on. I got some sun too. =] It was difficult to walk through their kitchen though. So much *good smelling* food!!!!!
After working for 3 and a half hours, we headed back to the church, only to head back out again. Only this time, it was to the mall for a scavenger hunt. We got into groups of 5, and we had to do the most ridiculous things ever. It was awesome. We got yelled at in Boscov's for going up and down the escalators (or...running up the down...and running down the up) too many times. Apparently they called the very scary mall cops, but I didn't see any.
We finally broke the fast after the 5:00 service ended. It was the best tasting food ever. I love pasta. I have pictures of the weekend on my flickr, so check them out. =]
{Wednesday classes end.
Thursday finals start. End on next Monday.
Next Tuesday & Friday are Regents.}
Summer!!!! (&& Glory Day ;)
Written by Shannon at 9:27 PM
Be Hungry.
Tonight, (or should I say today?) is the start of the 30 hour famine. Basically it's an international event where various church youth groups fast for 30 straight hours to raise money for the thousands of kids who go hungry everyday. I know the church has done this before maybe 3 years ago, but I didn't for whatever reason.
I haven't eaten anything since lunch ended at 11:20 and it is now 4:45, and I'm pretty hungry. I'm actually fasting just a tad longer than 30 hours, because of my lunch schedule. It's incredibly early than other peoples. What sucked was when I got home, my mom made my sister and I some food, and I was like, Yay!...crap. Hopefully this will get easier with people fasting with me. =P
I'm going to try and blog through it, but I'm not entirely sure how well it's going to work out. I know we're going to Samuels in the morning tomorrow, then going to a soup kitchen later. We're breaking the fast after the first service on Saturday, which ends at 6 I believe... Oh. I should probably go pack.
Less than 26 hours to go!
Written by Shannon at 4:45 PM