

So, I'm watching the Terminator 2. I should probably go to bed sometime soon. I have a meet tomorrow, the first meet, in Colonie I think. I'm packing a bunch of food, so that I don't starve before I get home, which won't be until around like, 7. I'm running the 4x400m and 4x100m relays. I was just going to run a regular 400m and a 200m, but my coach changed it today. I'm not really looking forward to the 4x100, since I'm better at longer races... But it should be fun. Speaking of track, yesterday it was in the 60's! It was so nice to run in for once without spandex and a sweatshirt and a hoodie, you have no idea.
I missed American idol tonight. I was so bummed that I missed it. I hope David did well!

Oh yeah, I have this cyst thing on the palm of my left hand. Kind of below my ring finger. If you flipped my hand over, it would inbetween my middle and ring finger knuckles. I noticed it this morning, and I thought it was just like a vein or something, so I didn't think too much of it. (It's not huge, by the way. It's tiny, and you can only notice it if you feel it, or if you look hard enough.) I decided to go to the nurse after lunch, during science after some convincing that this wasn't completely normal. She said it was probably a ganglion cyst. Then she said if it doesn't go away in a week, I should get it checked out by my doctor.
It's SO weird to feel. It's spongy, but firm and it doesn't move. Gross!!!

Well there's about 30 minutes left of the movie, with 15 minutes of it being commercials. Why are commercials so long? Most of them are stupid, loud, and annoying anyway...

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