
Just Another Day.

Today I did a whole bunch of cleaning for my mom. It was beautiful out, so all of the windows were open. I love it when it's nice out, it makes my day five times better. After that I went tanning for a little while outside. (I don't think I'm ever going to go tanning in a booth.) Then I slept for a good 3 hours. I'm going to miss my afternoon naps when I go back to school, to be completely honest. They are very nice to say the least. At around 6:45 my mom and I left to go to Wilton to go shopping. What is normally a 25 minute drive became practically a 45 minute drive because she missed the exit we were supposed to get off at. She was in the middle of a story, and she never pays attention to where she's going when she's talking. Unfortunetly, it felt like 20 minutes to the next exit and back. It was funny for me, but my mom was really pissed. Shopping was fun though, so it was okay. ;]

Tomorrow I'm going to church at 8 a.m. (ridiculous), then after I'm getting a ride to Saratoga to hangout with a group of friends for the rest of the day. VIP Night is at 6, so I will be going to that as well. I doubt I'll be able to blog tomorrow, so that's roughly my day.

School on Monday... Not quite looking forward to that...

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