Yeah, so this weekend has been fun!
Although I only want to blog about Sunday, because I can, and this is my blog. =P
So like I do every Sunday, I worked the two services which went fairly well. I still have issues with songs on the key, and having to come up with telling the camera people what to do in split second thoughts...So THAT didn't go too well, but the services over all did. Thankfully we only did the Happy Girl song in the 1st service, not in the second. =P After the services I went with Nic and Ben, with my mom and sister following in the other car, to IHOP, to meet up with the rest of the crew. We ate pancakes, duhhh. Although some losers didn't...heh. When most of us were done and stuffed with carbs, we headed back to CP church, and then played sardines and hide and seek for a bit, and played capture the flag as well. After all that lovely stuff, we did this game that I have no idea what it was called, but we had to pick someone in the group, and tell them how they encouraged us or something like that. I thought it was pretty neat. Then we had bible study, and quite honestly, I can't really remember anything except for Jon reading a letter he wrote to Brian about his year in youth ministry, what he's learned and stuff, then him talking to us about NYC, then him explaining that CP is going to have it's own Vertical/Nine12. Which I already knew since like, January, but it hasn't been official, ever. But...It still doesn't have a date to start either, but I mean, I already knew that when it opens, I'm going to have to be there to help out. No one ever had to ask me to go, I just knew.
After that was over, we played another fun round of sardines. Then I stood at the windows after everyone left, and waited for Jon to lock up and such with Nic. I went to their house, and walked down their "driveway" with Jon to feed their new duckies they have while he was explaining stuff to me. It wasn't till after we fed the ducks, and walked all the way back, sat down on some VERY stiff chairs, then I started getting it. He started talking about CP, and vertical production team and getting up, and "GOing". THEN he told me that I was supposed to lead, and create my own vertical production team for CP...
Yeah, I did like a double take. I think my jaw dropped too. I'm pretty sure my voice went up a few notches as well when I said, WHAT?!
I'm going to stop there, because I don't really want to go into it anymore, but like, 50 billion things were in my mind.
What if they have vertical in Malta the same night as CP does? Will I get to see anyone from there anymore? I can't do this! What happens if I don't know what to do, or if I freeze or something. What if I fail at this? What if I don't find anyone to be on the team? What do I do if [or when] I screw up? What if they don't respect me? I am only 14 [15 in august] y'know, I'm not some 27 [almost] year old guy that knows what he's doing, and has about 89798745345235643 times more leading experience as me. =P
As you can see, I'm quite nervous about this...
Written by Shannon at 4:37 PM
I started writing this earlier this afternoon, right after I got off the bus, and put my dogs out to do their business. It took from about 2:45 to 4:15. I was bored, and I like being outside. I've never just sat down, watched, listened, and written before. It was some-what relaxing. It's not really well written, or exciting for that matter. I just jotted down a lot of stuff. Well here you go...
As I sit here writing this, I see the brilliant blue sky all around. Slowly fading as navy blue/dark gray storm clouds that start to cover it from the southwest. No sun. Layers and layers of clouds. I feel a breeze against me. It pushes a storm closer. I see the trees sway with the breeze, with a random bug flying across my face. More clouds. It gets darker. I feel the occasional raindrop here and there. I close my eyes for a few minutes, just to listen. Chirping of little birds. Crows farther off. The heavy panting of my scared little dog. Passing of cars, trucks and motorcycles. The soft, threatening, rumbles of thunder in the distance. Soon to be over head, I predict. I open my eyes. Darker. A bumble bee whizzes by, as a jet overhead screams across the sky. I hear no more birds, besides a squeaky chirp here and there. A squirrel sprints by. I look up. I see a bird fly overhead. I examine the newest buds on a tree. A bright flash. 15 seconds go by. Thunder. Right overhead. [I brought my dogs in at this time.] The wind picks up some more, but not that much. A dandelion seed? I do not know, but it's white, and in its glory as it slowly, then faster, glides to the earth. Another flash. 14 seconds pass. Rumbles in the sky, more to the south now. But no less threatening. I leaned back. I screamed. I flicked an ant off my arm. Ew. More birds chirping. Another flash and more rumbles. It's more to the west now. The wind picked up. The rain drops are getting bigger, but more or less frequent? I couldn't tell you. 2 crows flew by. Now I sit frozen solid, as a bumble bee flies by casually. I relax now, as it goes away. Another ant. The world got brighter. The clouds are thinning to the south. Though no blue in the north anymore. Cars go by. Silence. Another car. Sometimes I wish there was someplace I could without man made noise. Just to sit, watch and listen. Thunder. It came somewhere from the distant west, and became louder. Rain. Now the drops are heavy enough to make a dot on my stone porch. Becoming more frequent. No wind...Silence. Now wind. Gusty. A honking car. Someone yells. I look to the sky. Pale yellow to the northwest. Rain. It's sprinkling now. Cold. A quick cold needle, as though a prick to the arms and legs. Huge thunder. 2 actually. 1st in the far west, then another, closer, but in the east. A fly buzzing around my legs. 2 red squirrels chasing each other on a tree branch. More thunder. Weird formation of clouds. A thick streak of white, contrasts the now dark royal blue/dark gray sky. Thunder. Rain has let up for now. Flash. 11 seconds. The roll of thunder goes on for like, 10 seconds. Making its way from the east, to over my head, to the west. More thunder. Birds chirping. 2 red robins in the distance. Rain drops. Thick, heavy, cold raindrops now becoming more and more frequent. Faster. I try to shield my paper. The thick White streak, now just a small hot dog shaped cloud. Floating. Cold rain drops. Another jet. Another Red robin flies across the yard. Rain stops again. The temperature is going down. Was 80, now 75. Blue sky! To the east. Thunder. Not very loud. Rain. Sprinkling. Never mind. It's raining pretty good now. Thunder to the south. Blue sky slowly being swallowed by dark gray clouds. White. Blinding white clouds mixed with gray to the northeast. A Bee flies by my ear. Thunder to the west. Spots of blue.
15 minutes later...[I had to eat sometime. I would've starved =P]
Blue. Brilliant Blue. Sun, still hidden but reflecting off of the little white careless floating clouds. Bees. Chirping. Still the random thunder. I doubt we'll get anything for a few more hours anyway. Blue. I love the color of the sky. Thunder.
{Picture taken by me!}
Written by Shannon at 7:45 PM