
Photo Blog?

I went through all my pictures on my cellphone, and I figured I would send them to myself so I can delete them and make some room on my phone. Most of them are really old and some are fairly recent. They're in no particular order. I couldn't center them for some reason... Oh well.

I was standing on an old roof in Port Henry, looking over Lake Champlain watching a storm.

The 28 bags of hot dog buns Neala and I had to buy for Homecoming.... That was fun.


Sky coaster with my cousin and sister.

At a friends house. I was bored. I really love this one.

More of Port Henry. A town of like, 500... My mom grew up here. Make sense?

Taylor and I were walking from Starbucks to the mall, and some idiot went over the curve... So funny.

My best friend on the train ride to Canada. He told me his complete life story. Not even kidding. He was a really nice guy, even if he was a tad weird.

Livi! She's cuter than I am.

2 summers ago, on the ferry leaving New York City, going back to Staten Island.

Some building leaving Buffalo. It looked cool. A lot of graffiti.
Krystal Meyers concert from forever ago... These pictures are awesome though, if I do say so myself.

The best.

Pretty good, eh?

I liked his boots.

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