
Fun Few Days

Yesterday was the United/Superbowl Party. I had the best time, like I do every United.
From Sarah and I screaming pointlessly at the screen when the Patriots got an interception, or when they got a touchdown, to Caroline, Sarah and I making a video while sucking helium out of balloons. Good times.

Today for gym, most of us thought we were going swimming - including me - because we were told that last class. Apparently, we heard incorrectly because we went bowling. I really hate carrying my swimming stuff to and from school. Anyway, we got to the bowling alley and then a friend of mine, Mary comes up to me and asks, "So... What are we going to do? We don't have socks."
I looked down. She was right, we both were wearing flats. I cringed at the thought of going sockless in bowling shoes. So we tried talking to our gym teacher, and the guy handing out shoes, but were shut down with two "You have to wear the shoes."
Our gym teacher told us that this girl last block came up with the idea of putting toilet paper in the bottom of the shoes...
That was exactly what we did. Mary was absolutely disgusted.
"I would rather lick a toilet seat than do this."
Haha. It was a long 60 minutes. It was bad taking off the shoes, because the toilet paper stuck to our feet...

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