I'm only on until my mother remembers to block everything again... Maybe she'll forget?
Friends of mine and I are going to the movies this weekend. We've been planning to go to see this movie for a while, but we just found out it's rated R. Kind of a set back, but we're pretty sure we're going to go anyway and go movie hopping.
Do you think it's wrong to movie hop?
Always be.
Written by Shannon at 10:47 AM
1 comments Labels: Life, Photography
We are compelled to do what we have been forbidden.
Time passes...
Even when it seems impossible.
Even when each tick of the second hand aches like the pulse of blood behind a bruise.
It passes unevenly, in strange lurches and dragging lulls, but pass it does...
Even for me.
Hey all. Just wanted to let you know that I'm going to start blogging again... I'm currently updating everything that I haven't been able to get to while my parents had that parental control on.
Canada was fun.
Lift was interesting.
My cousins came here from Chicago for a week.
My Aunt was married.
I'm 16!
I have my permit!
I'm a Sophomore now. (10th grade)
School started Thursday. I have decent classes.
My sister is a freshman. It's weird seeing her in the school.
I'm over at Caroline's right now.
I'm extremely tired.
Cardboard Testimonies this weekend! Incredibly scary to get up on stage and do them.
YouTube 'Cardboard Testimonies' if you don't know what I'm talking about.
I'm getting a kitten tomorrow!
I hope you're caught up! Get off my back about blogging now, kay? =]
Written by Shannon at 12:33 AM
1 comments Labels: Church, Life, School